Select object less than x size

Does anyone know of a script that will select objects smaller than x volume or size?


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M0nkey's picture

Thank you Anubis! Love your

Thank you Anubis!

Love your work

Anubis's picture

-- modified version of the

-- modified version of the example function from the MxsHelp:
fn CalculateVolume obj = 
	local Volume= 0.0
	local Center= [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
	local theMesh = snapshotasmesh obj
	local numFaces = theMesh.numfaces
	for i = 1 to numFaces do
		local Face= getFace theMesh i
		local vert2 = getVert theMesh Face.z
		local vert1 = getVert theMesh Face.y
		local vert0 = getVert theMesh Face.x
		local dV = Dot (Cross (vert1 - vert0) (vert2 - vert0)) vert0
		Volume+= dV
		Center+= (vert0 + vert1 + vert2) * dV
	delete theMesh
	Volume /= 6

volLimit = 33.0 -- set desired volume limit
-- end select...
select (for obj in geometry where CalculateVolume obj <= volLimit collect obj)

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