Sending netrender jobs with dependencies


I'm working on a script to send VRay baked GI renders in one click.  So far I have something that will apply all the settings for both the baking pass (which saves the GI files) and the rendering pass (which uses them).  I've added in code to send off netrenders after appling all of the settings and that works fine too.  The one thing that doesn't work is making one job dependant on another.  When you send a network render job normally you can check dependencies and select the jobs you want it to be dependant on.  When doing this in maxscript I was unable to find a way of accessing this property when sending a render.  If anyone knows anything about sending netrender jobs through maxscript and how i might get around this problem let me know, thanks.  - Ryan


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Anubis's picture


check here:

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

sylvest's picture

Any luck


Did you have any luck using dependencies?
trying to make the same type of script ...

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