Spherical Text
Hi Guys,
Would it be possible to have a script to put Text on the surface of a Sphere with just a thickness. The radius to the centre of the of the sphere can be defined and the font size and the text can be altered as wished. It would be then possible to create numbered bingo balls or put arrays of numberes around the equator or tropics. I think it would be a very useful tool (for me anyway)
Thanks from Paul
Conform compound objects are not constructable by mxs but you can try this.
Create scene using this code
Now go to create pane > compound objects > conform
Press "Pick Wrap-To Object" and select sphere.
In parameter rollout set value for "Standof Distance" to 0.2.
Choose option "Along Vertex Normal"
Check "Hide Wrap-To Object"
Set Display: Result.
To expose text just double-click on first item "Wrapper: S_Text001" in the listbox below Parameters roll label.
In the modifier stuck you will see text object.
sphere text
OK Barigazi,
I am going to try what you say. Hopefully in a couple of weeks if it works I will use it on a sphere in my next video on my (thepaultm Youtube channel)
Muchas gracias
from Paul