theHold.Begin() not working with SME
I'm trying to grab any of the functions within a button like so:
on btn_purgeSme pressed do ( if not theHold.Holding() then theHold.Begin() if querybox "Removes / Purges (in all SME views):\n\n\t- Materials\n\t- All Map types\n\t- Controllers\n\nwhich are not in the scene and deletes any remaining empty views afterwards.\n\nDo you want to continue ?" title:"WARNING !" beep:true then ( purgeSMEMaterials_fn() getSmeIndexesEmpty_fn() deleteSmeTabs_fn() theHold.Accept "Undo works!" ) else ( Print "Purge cancelled" ) theHold.End() )
This fails to capture any of the functions within the query true part. Do I have to revert to using a holdMaxFile for any SME operations?