Trouble with EditBox and renderWidth

Hi. This time, I wanted my script to change the scene render size using data from Edit Box, but I have a hard time converting it to integer or something that would work. Google has been frugal about information on this matter, so I ask here.

Here's a part of the code:

editText set_w "W" pos:[20,85] width:80 height:17 text:"640"
	on set_w changed text do
	renderWidth =  int set_w.text

This generates an error "-- Unable to convert "MY ACTUAL INPUT NUMBER" to type: Integer". When I change the syntax to:

renderWidth =  int $.set_w.text

it gives me an "-- Unknown property: "set_w" in undefined" error. I played with brackets (selecting whole or a part of it), modifying the syntax about a hundred time but with no effect. I'm pretty good at generating errors though. :)

Any help much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

(PS. Let me add that I'm working on 3DS Max 2009 x64, just for clarification.)


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kuroiei's picture

Answer, already?

Wow, that was quick. I found some solution already. :P

Channing only this part:

	renderWidth =  set_w.text as integer

done wonders.

Posting on this forum is marvelous, if I didn't write I probably wouldn't come to this solution anyway.

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