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i am looking for a script that will connect selected edges for every given distance provided by a spinner.
For example: if i enter 10 cm in the spinner, it will connect the selected edges for every 10cm.
I'm not sure if you are the original author of this script, and I realize it is 2 years old, but I've found an issue: It seems as though it only keeps the distance between points accurate if the length of the edges you are connecting is a multiple of the intended spacing.
one more script
works with multiple edge sets
Distance Issues...
I'm not sure if you are the original author of this script, and I realize it is 2 years old, but I've found an issue: It seems as though it only keeps the distance between points accurate if the length of the edges you are connecting is a multiple of the intended spacing.
Is there a way around this?
Distance connect
Thank you jos