Current Material ID + 1

Looking for a script that will take the current material IDs within all selected objects and add 1 to it.

So for a group of selected objects with Mat ID [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8], the script would change it to Mat ID [2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9].

This would need to work on many selected objects, up to about 50 but possibly more. (I do realize that Mat ID only applies to faces, but all of these faces would have the same Mat ID.)

Huge thank-you in advance to anyone who can help out with this!


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barigazy's picture


This is your tool. With this tool you can increase and decrese ID number by 1.
Look in the listener to see new ID list. Also I limit the tool to increase until
it reaches 99 and decrease until it reaches 1.
So be careful because if you some polygons already have ID 1 and other group
of polygons have ID = 2 then if you decrease then second group will also have ID = 1.
Same case when increase and already have ID = 99

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