Modify this great Bitmap Fit script for implementing VrayBitmap


i found this little helpful script somewhere on the web which generates a UVW Modifier with correct image aspect ratio for every bitmap of the assigned material. This is super helpful, unfortunately it doesnt work with the VrayBitmap map in Vray 5.
Can anyone pls add the needed code for including them ....that would be great !!
Attached is the original script



bitmap_fit.ms457 bytes


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obaida's picture

This modification add

This modification add VrayBitmap and CoronaBitmap Support .

AttachmentSize 1.23 KB
robox's picture



barigazy's picture


Script works fine but there is one problem.
What if you have bitmaps in different slots which have also different aspect ratios?


robox's picture



robox's picture

Hi Obaida, thanks for your

Hi Obaida,

thanks for your modified version of the script. Unfortunately it still doesn`t recognize VrayBitmap. I tested it on Max2021. Did you got it running ?



obaida's picture

Select Objects

it will work on Selected Objects only .
AND as barigazy said , the script should give a list of bitmaps on the object material so you can pick the map you want to get
or get the first bitmap only , or you'll have uvwmap modifier for each bitmap in the material !!.

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