Need a script for a box animation
Hi friends i am new to this Maxscript thing some time back saw a video on youtube
i am really impressed by this i just want a small script through which i can create a given number of boxes t diferent pos and also want a simple script which achieves the effect in the video this only to undertstand the script and learn plz help me
Ok, post your code and
Ok, post your code and dependent questions in a new topic to get help from more people. I'll also try to help you.
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
Hi Sdinesh86, i just upload
Hi Sdinesh86, i just upload 2 scripts to my website, take a look
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
Thanks for that anubiss i
Thanks for that anubiss
i was wondering i f you can help me with some script for shader's i am writing some basic scripts just dont know if that is correct way to do it and also cannot solve some problems that i face
right now i am working on writing script for a simple wireframe shader
i will post that code soon
From the youTube page, it
From the youTube page, it seems like the animation in the video is based on Conway´s game of life, not on randomly selected boxes.
Still it's a pretty clear script, and the extensive comments are a big plus.
There no comes into my mind
There no comes into my mind some special book which I would recommend you, maybe every one is good to somewhere. My primary learning source is the max help reference, also read other scripts and not use 'em as is, but i try to make my own.
Sorry about the shaders, i havn't. I am happy that you are interested about animating scripts. Of course I have but they are snippets like and to be more user friendly and useful for more people, must be modified first. This requires time so be patient. Now you can see my already uploaded scripts here by clicking on my user name.
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
Dude thnx for sych a great
Dude thnx for sych a great help.
thnx for those comments too it helped me learn more without breaking mu head a lot can i ask you another favour if you dont mind
can you post some of your scripts that you did in the same fashion so that i can learn them in better way have you done some shaders if ues can you post that too or suggest me a book which i can refer to learn maxscript
dude you hae been a great help for me
i will write my own script based on the one that you send and will upload it
First, welcome to Scriptspot
First, welcome to Scriptspot and to MAXScript!
And there is what i write to you:
Here is preview result:
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)