Poly Object to Script


Has anyone got a script that will take a custon polygon mesh and output the code to build it in a max script. ie save out all the point and polygon data?
I am trying to make my own custom helper objects.




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gramx's picture

Custom Poly Helper

I have written a script to turn your pyramid into a custom helper(code below). Unless I am missing something it appears that you can only create wireframe helpers! If you run the script below it creates a wireframe helper pyramid. Is there anyway to display a shaded polygon helper?

-------------------------------- start
plugin Helper rt_Helper
name:"rt Helper"
classID:#(0x357d24c1, 0x52e1d978)
local meshObj, theMesh

on getDisplayMesh do
if meshObj == undefined then
meshObj = mesh vertices:#([0,0,51.5526], [-39.0721,-40.7057,0], [39.0721,-40.7057,0], [39.0721,40.7057,0], [-39.0721,40.7057,0], [0,0,0]) faces:#([1,2,3], [1,3,4], [1,4,5], [1,5,2], [2,6,3], [3,6,4], [4,6,5], [5,6,2])

theMesh = copy meshObj.mesh

delete meshObj

tool create
on mousePoint click do
nodeTM.translation = gridPoint;#stop
----------------------------------- end

gramx's picture


Cool, It makes a Pyramid!

I will have a go at making a scripted plugin to build a new helper object now.

Great stuff!



gramx's picture

That would be very cool, I

That would be very cool, I have seen a few posts on the forum with people wanting to have a similar script!



Garp's picture

I have to write a 'make

I have to write a 'make primitive' script.
If you can wait a few days...

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