Rotating into Perspective View


Would be great if we had a script that allow us to model in orthographic view, then when we rotate/orbit the viewport, it switched directly to perspective view, intead of user view.

I know that i can just press P to convert it back to perspective, but its becames very annoying to press it every time!!

Thanks in advance!


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harumscarum's picture

apparently is not working

apparently is not working with the 2020 Max version
could it be fixed?


miauu's picture


I have tested this and it works:

macroscript isVptToPerspVpt
	callbacks.removeScripts id:#callView
	fn userToPerspective = 
		if viewport.getType() == #view_iso_user do 
			viewport.setType #view_persp_user
			max tool zoomextents all
	callbacks.addScript #viewportChange "userToPerspective()" id:#callView
harumscarum's picture

super useful scrit

Thank you very much! it realy helps. by the way is it possible to switch rotated orthographic view to existing perspective view?

tiagori's picture

oh man! This is great!!!

oh man! This is great!!! Thanks so much!! worked like a charm!

Btw, is there a way to automatic "Z" when rotating??

thanks Barigazy!!

barigazy's picture

Yup. max tool zoomextents all

max tool zoomextents all should do it but works when tou switch from user to perspective ei. only once


barigazy's picture


run this in listener
if you find this useful save it as *.ms and put inside scripts > startup folder
after all you need to use "Z" (zoomextents all) after "Alt+MMB"

callbacks.removeScripts id:#callView
fn userToPerspective = 
	if viewport.getType() == #view_iso_user do 
		viewport.setType #view_persp_user
		max tool zoomextents all
callbacks.addScript #viewportChange "userToPerspective()" id:#callView


vikirecon's picture

can we zoom extent with using z

hi barigazy

first of all i was so much in need of this script i was going to post in the script wanted section

thanks so much for this wonderful script

but can we do away with z



tiagori's picture

i know...but you also need to

i know...but you also need to press a key to go into perspective...i trying to get a more fluid workflow. It would be automatic and fast rotating the viewport from top or front view for example, very dynamic.

barigazy's picture

I prefer to use "V" and pick

I prefer to use "V" and pick from the list.


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