Sequences in 3dsmax importing OBJ sequence from MAYA

Hi fellows,

the script bellow (Written by Richard Nelson-Mondo Media) works fine when importing a 3DS sequence to 3dsmax.

Know Anybody how to do the same using OBJ (from Maya) instead of 3DS ?

thanks in advance....

Design Engineer

follow the script
function shiftleft obj =
for s = 1 to obj.numsubs do
if (obj[s].controller != undefined and obj[s].isAnimated) then
if (supportstimeoperations obj[s].controller and numkeys obj[s].controller != 0) then
--print obj[s].controller
movekeys obj[s].controller -1f
if obj[s].numsubs > 0 then
shiftleft (obj[s])

function shiftback obj num =
for s = 1 to obj.numsubs do
if (obj[s].controller != undefined and obj[s].isAnimated) then
if (supportstimeoperations obj[s].controller and numkeys obj[s].controller != 0) then
--print obj[s].controller
movekeys obj[s].controller num
if obj[s].numsubs > 0 then
shiftback (obj[s]) num

utility savesequence "Save 3DS Sequence"
bitmap logo filename:"mondolabs.bmp"
local savefilename
--edittext filename "Base filename:"
label l2 "NOTE:"
label l0 "Last frame of animation sequence"
label l1 "will not export properly."
spinner start "Start Frame:" type:#integer range:[0,1000,animationrange.start]
spinner end "End Frame:" type:#integer range:[0,1000,1] --animationrange.end]
spinner outstart "Output from:" type:#integer range:[0,1000,animationrange.start]
edittext version "Version (a-z):" text:"a"
--button pickdir "Select Output File"
button saveit "Save 3DS Sequence"
on saveit pressed do
savefilename = getsavefilename types:"3DS(*.3ds)|*.3ds"
if (savefilename != undefined) then
for f = 1 to start.value do
for o in objects do
shiftleft o
for f = start.value to end.value do
curfilename = (getfilenamepath savefilename) + (substring (getfilenamefile savefilename) 1 6)
if (f > 99) then framenum = f as string
if (f > 9) then framenum = "0" + (f as string)
else framenum = "00" + (f as string)
if version.text == "" then version.text = "a"
curfilename = curfilename + framenum + "a" + (substring version.text 1 1) + ".3ds"
--print curfilename
exportfile curfilename #noprompt
for o in objects do
shiftleft o
for o in objects do
shiftback o (((end.value) + 1) as time)