swap objects´s visibility

Hi guys, how’s going? i was wondering if is hard to create a simple script to swap objects's visibility. I need this to compare different versions of a model (architectural). I used to do it with scene states, but i don´t know why, the scene states tool stopped working in max (2104). I´ll try to explain what i think: let´s say i got two versions of a building, so i can select the first one and set it as 1, and then select the other and set it as 2. And a swap button will hide one and unhide another every time i click in the button (something like this - http://prntscr.com/7fcppv). I use a similar technique in autocad to compare projects, and it works very well, it´s a good way to find differences between drawings. Can anyone help me with this?



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pixamoon's picture


sure, good idea. try this one, Please see attached

pixamoon_switch_visibility_of_selection_set.ms 1013 bytes
jsrocha's picture


Hey Pixamoon, thanks for the script, works pretty fine!


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