Wirecolor Switcher

Hey everyone, it would be cool if a script could save the current wirecolor of the objects and by the state of an checkbutton, it would change the wirecolor of all objects that have the objID=1 to "red", obj=2 to "yellow" and obj=0 to "black".
if you now release the checkbutton the original wirecolor of the objects will come back.


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miauu's picture


Something like this?

	global rol_wirecolorByID
	try(destroyDialog rol_wirecolorByID)catch()
	rollout rol_wirecolorByID "miauu Change Wirecolor"
		local objsWCArr = #()
		checkButton chkBtn_go "Change Wirecolor" width:140
		on chkBtn_go changed state do
			if state then
				for o in objects do
					append objsWCArr #(o, o.wirecolor)
					objID = o.gbufferChannel
					case objID of
						0: o.wirecolor = black
						1: o.wirecolor = red
						2: o.wirecolor = yellow						
				for arr in objsWCArr do
					arr[1].wirecolor = arr[2]
	createdialog rol_wirecolorByID 
Dragan_ilic's picture

Thank you miauu, you are the

Thank you miauu, you are the best :D

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