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ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.
hello Thanks for your
Thanks for your efforts. Sorry for my silence I was busy...
"I think simply switching to the rotate tool (E) would be a better idea after
the pivot is placed "
Yes. But I'm precision addicted, and I would like to align X direction with a snap click on a vertex...
I can use other tools to rotate precisely, but the tool will be a pain to use...
I was playing around a bit,
I was playing around a bit, and it seems that the option to activate the "Surface"-Button in the edit working pivot options is broken. Maybe someone can test that?
WorkingPivot.setPlacePivotSurfaceMode true true
does not do anything for me.
I have found a weird workaround (based on Ian Farnsworth SkinReset Script) to press that button via MAXScript:
If you put that into a macroscript and then into a quad menu / toolbar it might be saving some time.
Now I still dont really know what you mean with that second click. Should it rotate on x Axis for 90 degrees depending in the direction of your mouse cursor or...? I think simply switching to the rotate tool (E) would be a better idea after
the pivot is placed.
Never get low & slow & out of ideas
nice tip
Hi Br0t,
function is broken.Its not even described in the help, and I need to call
showinterface WorkingPivot
to see that it exist.Nice UIAccessor tip.
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
It is described in the Max
It is described in the Max 2011 Help files though:
Good to know its not only me where its not working ;)
Never get low & slow & out of ideas
poor docs in Max 2009
Yep, in my Max 2009 help files exist only this :)
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
what do you mean exactly?
what do you mean exactly? first click would set the working pivot to the position you have clicked on, and second click would do...?
Never get low & slow & out of ideas
hello, thanks for reply
hello, thanks for reply :-)
It is "easy" to positionnate working pivot on a vertex, but it very difficult to set its rotation easily.
The two clicks should determinate a direction : X axis for example.
Yes a third click could set the Y axis ?