XVIEW all at the same times
Hi everybody, I'm a 3D Artist and I'm happy to stay on this forum.
In my job is important to be fast to model perfect mesh, and I need a scipt that I can Activate with one BUOOTN all XVIEWS at the same time.
The x-view that I'de like to look at the same time are all:
- Face Orientation
- Overlapping Faces
- Open Edges
- Multiple Edges
- Isolated Vertices
- Overlapping Vertices
- T-Vertices
- Missing UVW Coordinates
- Flippes UVW Faces
- Overlapping UVW Faces
just all together in ONE SHOT
Thanks so much to everyboody
Did you notice that selecting one type of check disables all other check types automatically?
Did you notice that I request
Did you notice that I request a script for this motivation? I need a solution for view all together, and is possible with a script. Is easy to understand...
there's no such solution