Tagged 'kinematiclab'

Multi Mesher

17 votes

This is a quick FREE tool.
it acts like the Mesher, but instead of picking only one source object you can have a list of them.
And with some boolean options to intersect or subtract the meshes.

there is a add list for the boolean addition objects
and another one for the subtract objects

it keeps the animation...modifiers, and the uv's.

and the Source objects remains separate, so it'll not collapse it in one, like the boolean does.

you can also pick splines

installation :
1 : put the file in your script, startup folder.
2 : restart max


6 votes

Fast Animation Surface Tool Inspired by what Pixar showed on Presto, this tool will really speed up your rigging workflow, but most of all your animation efficiency. You don't need anymore to create additional object to control your rigs, everything is triggered by predefined mesh zones and your mouse movements. So the advantage here is that it doesn't slowdown your scene by adding more elements, and most of all, you can control your rig directly on the mesh, without any visual interference, painful Controller selection or separate UI. So everything becomes very obvious and intuitive.

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