Tagged 'Keys'

Reverse Animation

38 votes

This simple script reverses the animation of the selected objects. It uses the current time range as the beginning and end point for reversing the animation.

Just run the script and make a selection then hit Reverse Animation!


Reverse Time

25 votes


What to say... title and screenshot said everything.
Sample utility, an example of build-in Max function "reversetime".
Script affect only PRS (pos,rot,scale) transform keys.

Because I do not find some version in plain type for reverse time,
I wrote this script. I hope it come in handy for someone else.

Timeline Addon

83 votes

Timeline Addon 2.0.8-42

Adds more functionality to the 3ds Max timeline. You can:

  • adjust timeline start, end, slider and length
  • navigate through frames and keys
  • move, select, align, reverse keys
  • set timeline bookmarks
  • show info about ram and cpu usage

Store Frame Markers

21 votes

This is a simple little floater that allows you to store and recal frames in time. By default it sets markers at 10% intervals across the timeline. Shift+Click to memorize a frame number.



Apply Increment

3 votes

Allows you to store a single object's initial position and rotation values, then store the new values after moving and/or rotating and apply the calculated difference between these values (as a relative offset) to any selected objects with existing keys. Offsets can be applied to either position or rotations controllers or both. The offsets applied can also be inverted.


1. Select a single object and click Get Initial Values to record it's position and orientation values at that time.

Bake Objects

5 votes

Allows baking of animation keys on the transform tracks for any selected objects.

Options include:

- Active time range or range limiting with adjustable step size.

Controller Manager

1 vote

A composite floater containing tools for adjusting controller or key settings.


Features include...

  • Set object axis locks (same as the Hierarchy panel)
  • Set keyable PRS tracks
  • Convert controller types or remove constraints
  • Adjust XYZ Bezier tangent types and TCB tangent types
  • Settings can apply to multiple selected objects at once




19 votes

This script is alternative way
Quick enough for help you setting keys TCB control Biped - You can set manual with button one by one or automatic batch button for all keys

tips: Check out every tooltips button for help