Tagged 'Keys'

Animators Tool Kit (ATK)

9 votes

*NEW* Utilities in ATK 1.174
VIDEO 'Flippin' Flaps': One click animate the unfolding of your mesh faces.
VIDEO 'PathRig': Generate paths that are guided by target nodes, these paths can act as trajectories, path deforms or both.
TreeLinker': Link objects together by distance from an object to the next object.

Click the GIF for demos:

Timeline Addon

83 votes

Timeline Addon 2.0.8-42

Adds more functionality to the 3ds Max timeline. You can:

  • adjust timeline start, end, slider and length
  • navigate through frames and keys
  • move, select, align, reverse keys
  • set timeline bookmarks
  • show info about ram and cpu usage

Ani Baked

36 votes

Ani Baked (animation tool for creating keys on every-frame)

Similar to Cache Bar except this isn't using any cache files. This allows you to make key frames on your object at every frame. Great way to take procedural animation and make keys out of it. Works on your selection.

Automatically bake the animation to a point helper or to the Original Object. After baking down the animation you can clean up the keys.

Mirror Animation Modifier

86 votes

Mirror position/rotation animation tool written as modifier.

Mirror Animation

Bake Objects

5 votes

Allows baking of animation keys on the transform tracks for any selected objects.

Options include:

- Active time range or range limiting with adjustable step size.

Reverse Animation

38 votes

This simple script reverses the animation of the selected objects. It uses the current time range as the beginning and end point for reversing the animation.

Just run the script and make a selection then hit Reverse Animation!


Delete static keys - cleanup tracks/fcurves - HeckTools

4 votes

Hi All

This is intended to help cleanup your track view/graph editor for animating.

script removes all static keyframes excluding the initial key. essentially this acts similarly to the Maya feature "delete all static channels".

Also, it goes through and cleans up the tracks that have extra static keys that are in between your other animation keys leaving the animation in tact, but yielding a cleaner view of the chaos spaghetti.

leave feedback if you try the tool.

*05.07.2019* update - included the missing parentheses "(" and ")"

Reverse Time

25 votes


What to say... title and screenshot said everything.
Sample utility, an example of build-in Max function "reversetime".
Script affect only PRS (pos,rot,scale) transform keys.

Because I do not find some version in plain type for reverse time,
I wrote this script. I hope it come in handy for someone else.


6 votes


A script requested in the forum.
Useful for some game engines.



19 votes

This script is alternative way
Quick enough for help you setting keys TCB control Biped - You can set manual with button one by one or automatic batch button for all keys

tips: Check out every tooltips button for help

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