Tagged 'export'

Biped (.bip) Animation Batch Retargeting & FBX export

4 votes

This script was made to retarget animations so that changes could be made to the biped's proportions throughout production.

I made this for making my life easier between Max and Unity (though it could be used in any max-based pipeline). Unfortunately Unity has no native retargeting, unless your team is using Mecanim.

Max to Fusion

4 votes

Bake selected scene objects and export an FBX file which can be loaded into Eyeon Fusion to assist with compositing. Offers greater control and flexibility than the standard FBX exporter.




New Features suggested by Colin James at Blur Studios

Milyan's object cleaner

1 vote


0 votes


v1.7 Added support kw-exporter

Works with two plugins Panda Directx Exporter and Xporter and kw-exporter


Augment plugin for 3dsMax

1 vote

Augment is an augmented reality mobile app that lets you visualize your 3D models in real time, real size, in your direct environment.

You just need to upload your models on the web platform: http://manager.augmentedev.com/#/login, and they will be synchronized on your mobile device with the Augment mobile app.

There is also a plugin for 3ds Max to export your 3D models directly to Augment and visualize them straight away in augmented reality, with nice Mental Ray and V-Ray texture baking.

You can download it here: http://augmentedev.com/help/3ds-max/#exporting-with-the-plugin

After Effects transforms exporter

7 votes

Here is a free tool for copying animation from 3ds Max into After Effects via the clipboard, and the native AE clipboard data. You will be able to copy and paste keyframe data for position, rotation and scale from 3ds Max onto objects in AE.

3DS Max to Nuke FAG

1 vote

I did this script to easily send geometry and cameras to nuke.

Warning: Use the script only for export. Save your project before and after return.

Cryengine 3 export preparation

0 votes

This script is specific for use with Cryengine 3. So if you don't intend to use this with Cryengine 3, this script will not work and be of no use for you.

It creates all the appropriate layers for the lods and main object, creates the dummy and linking the mesh to the dummy. Creating the proper material, submaterials (4 by default) for the model and the proxies, assigning the crytek shader and the physicalize (no draw) to the proxies.

Left for you is assigning the proper IDs manually to the correct submaterials (if needed).


2 votes

Import and export shapes from and to Google Earth. Use the KML file format to exchange geo-referenced shapes and keep the correct locations on the globe.

Check out the blog for more information. I've also written a tutorial.

Export Prep

7 votes

New with the second version, added JEEWiz exporter (see below), added
option to break up export prep steps, and added an effect pivot mode

"Apply Above" button: resets the Xform, collapses the
modifier stack, places the objects pivot, based on settings, (default
xyz minimum extent of object), moves the object (default moves it to
the origin), for every object in selection.

Check List, button opens a file with were you can store exporting notes, and trouble shooting tips.

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