Render Batch Helper
This Script will Speed up the Process of Creating (Batch Renders) and (SceneState) for Specific Camera .
and Making (Lights RenderElements) and (Masks RenderElements) for (Selected Objects) and (All or Selected Lights) .
Works with V-Ray and Corona .
- First Thing it Works on Selected Cameras from the List (not from the Scene)
- With V-Ray it will create Preset for Selected Cameras and Put the Preset File in (Preset) Folder in the Same Directory of Max File , (With Corona No need for Presets) .
- Making Scene State for Selected Camera with (HIDDING ALL SELECTED OBJECTS) and (TURNING OFF ALL SELECTED LIGHTS)
(When Creating Scene State for Specified Camera the Script will Create another State Called "All" this will be Assigned to all other cameras)
- The Script Support (Camera Resolution Mod) modifier and it will Override the resolution if it applied to any camera
- Main Elements will Apply the Basic RenderElements , RightClick will Clear all Render Elements .
- Light Elements will Create Render Light Elements for SELECTED (Objects [with CoronaLightMtl] or Light) or All (if nothing is Selected) .
*in Case of V-Ray the Script will Create Light Elements based on LAYERS (so it can be saved with the Presets)
*in Case of Corona the Deference from Corona LightMix is the Script will Create ONE LIGHT ELEMENT for All Objects with Instance CoronaLightMtl .
- By Material and By Object will Create Alpha Mask for Selected (OBJECTS) or (OBJECT) in case of (By Material) .
UPDATE 1.1 :
- The Script not Overriding the resolution when the Camera has (Camera Resolution Mod) modifier applied to it with CoronaRender .
UPDATE 1.2 :
- Add Option to Create Mask RenderElement for any SubMaterial when Selected Object Material is Multi/Sub-Object Fixed .
UPDATE 1.3 :
- Add Installer and Icons and Macroscript so the Script now can be put in the Toolbar .
- Add Clear All Elements Paths when RightClick on Light Elements Button .
- Add Video to Explain the Workflow .
UPDATE 1.4 :
- Add 3 Options for Objects When Making Scene State .
UPDATE 1.41 :
- VRay AO render element was loading without texture now it loads with VrayDirt Map .
UPDATE 1.42 :
- The Script Now at Start will Always ask for Saving Output Image and if Scape or Cancel Pressed the Script will Continue to Work .
UPDATE 1.43 :
- Add more Options to SceneState ,
1- NO Camera Selected in (Camera List) :
- The parts that are saved to the State are AllParts
- SceneState called "All" will be created, and this State will be applied to all cameras in the scene that do not have a specific State .
Note : When you repeat the previous process, a message will appear to replace the State "All" if it already exists.
2- Specific Camera Selected in (Camera List) :
- The Parts Saved for the State are (1,3, 8, 9) and they are (Light Properties ,Object Properties, Materials, Environment)
Here we have two cases:
A : Nothing Selected in the Scene (Cntrl+D):
In this case, you can make whatever changes you want in the scene (related to that 4 Parts) and when Saving the State these changes will be saved in a State Named as Camera Name
Note: You must Uncheck (Hidden-Renderable-Visible) CheckBoxs in order to do this operation.
B: There are Selected Objects or Lights in the Scene:
In this case, the specified changes (Hidden-Renderable-Visible) are Applied to the selected objects and when Saving the state these changes will be saved in a State Named as Camera Name
Note: One of these options (Hidden-Renderable-Visible) must be Checked in order to do this operation.
Sorry for the long explanation, but these things must be clarified and difficult to explain in a video.
When Starting the Script you should save FINAL Output Image (V-Ray) or CXR (Corona) at Least One TIme , or the Batch Render will Save Dameged Output Images (This Issue from Max itself not Related to the Script) .
UPDATE 1.44 :
- Use this Version in case of "StringStream" Error Message.
UPDATE 1.45 :
- Corona CXR Type Overwriting all athor output type , Fixed .
UPDATE 1.46 :
- for VRay The Script can't Save Rendered Images Anymore (idk why !!) , So from Now on The Script will not Start if no Render Output (Corona) or Fram Buffer-(Separate Render Channels or Raw Image File) (VRay) , Already Saved .
UPDATE 1.46f :
- Version in the Script Title was 1.45 Fixed , Now its 1.46
it works but
it works , but Before running the script you need to save an output image from :
F10-Vray tab-(Separate Render or Raw Image) file .
coz the script will save the outputs of the Batch render depending on the output you saved (the path you will chose in F10.. doesn't matter) .
Youtube, Gumroad
I can't understand
I can't understand what follows from this:
"UPDATE 1.46 : - for VRay The Script can't Save Rendered Images Anymore (idk why !!) , So from Now on The Script will not Start if no Render Output (Corona) or Fram Buffer-(Separate Render Channels or Raw Image File) (VRay ) , Already Saved . "
That script doesn't work with Vray?
I can't understand
I can't understand what follows from this:
"UPDATE 1.46 : - for VRay The Script can't Save Rendered Images Anymore (idk why !!) , So from Now on The Script will not Start if no Render Output (Corona) or Fram Buffer-(Separate Render Channels or Raw Image File) (VRay ) , Already Saved . "
That script doesn't work with Vray?
there is script called Corona
there is script called Corona Batch Image Editor GUI by Mohammadreza Mohseni may it'll be useful for you .
Youtube, Gumroad
I'm looking for a script that
I'm looking for a script that saves VFB of corona rendered light mix setting in the following method:
Let's say I have 5 cameras, each camera will show the render in a unique light setting (light mix of VFB) can you advise?
Thank you
you need to activate (check)
you need to activate (check) separate render channel , and save output render from the button with 3 dots under it , save the render with the format you want as final (Anywhere and Any name) and the script will open.
if you did that and not working then you need to attach video file for what you doing.
Youtube, Gumroad
you need to check output sace / check raw image or....
you need to check output sace / check raw image or....
I tried every thing. NOt working. :(
Download link?
No idea where the download link is
Missing download link
Can't find link to download this script
Where link to dowload ?
Where link to dowload ?