Script to automatically goto bottom of stack

Script to automatically goto bottom of the stack for selected object.

May exist already...most of the search links are dead. Anyone have or know of a script for this.



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scumm's picture

facerFX made a script.

facerFX made a script.

You just toogle it on, and you'll move whereever you want to go in the stack each time you select a new object.

Edit - Could see you already posted facerfx script. The link does work, atleast for me.

airbrush's picture seems to be seems to be working for me today...will give it a whirl

airbrush's picture

works but is it possible to

works but is it possible to automatically go to the bottom whenever you select a new object? Currently i have it assigned to a hotkey which isnt so bad...would be nice to just have it do it automatically whenever you select.

barigazy's picture


And that will be bad because you need to use Callback Mechanism.


airbrush's picture



barigazy's picture


You can create macroscript

if selection.count == 1 do
	if getCommandPanelTaskMode() != #modify do setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
	if modPanel.getCurrentObject() != selection[1].baseobject do modPanel.setCurrentObject selection[1].baseobject


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