3ds Max | MCG

MCG Venetian Blind

6 votes


This MCG takes one vane, clone them evenly up to your window height. As you pullup the blind, the vanes move accordingly and naturally you can rotate the vanes to Open/Close positions. Too lazy to get around to doing a video...I think you get the idea.

Inset/Bevel/Extrude Poly

7 votes

BevelPoly Compound enables you to extrude, outline and inset the provided Poly (TriMesh). It can keep or delete the original surface, which might be used to create only the border quadstrips. The package includes all the compunds it depends on and an example modifier shown in the gif:

Loops from Surface

5 votes

Simple example of growing loops from open-ended surface. As such, it only looks for the first border and expands from there. Here it is shown on Cylinder with caps removed (default advanced sweep output would also work):

MCG BraidGen

5 votes

Long story short, Braid tute from Kevin John, maxscripted by Trebor777, mentioned on MCG FB by Swordslayer....I reinterpreted it with my own eyes and MCG...cos I couldn't understand much maxscript...

Because of lots of twists and turns, I found the best way is to set the BraidGen Interpolation to 0, then use with a Sweep with Banking OFF, then TurboSmooth on top.

Ver 1.01: added Grow options, please see video.

MCG Cane Basket

8 votes

Installation: Scripting>Install Max Creation Graph...

A real basket case this....


simply make another basket, turn up side down..and there's your lid...

Ver 1.01: added Alt Every for different patterns

MCG Chamfered Triangle

1 vote

This gives segment controls for components of a Chamfered Triangle. Don't forget to turn off Show Segs once you're happy with settings.

Ver 1.01: added Equilateral option

MCG Clone Radial

6 votes

I simply combined ACloneModifier and ARingClone into one rather than having 2 mods in the stack.

MCG Flatpack Fold/Spline

0 votes

So Mythbusters proved you can't physically fold anything on itself more than 7 times...well you can use this MCG and fold stuff however many times you want...as long as you've got enough verts !!!

A picture won't do jack...as what does a flatpack look like.....? a flat box....so you'll have to watch the video to see the effect.

Iterations is how many times you've folded it. Why is it not an integer ?...so you could animate 'fraction' of a fold, that's why.


MCG Knit

4 votes

Simple knitting pattern with MCG.

Ver 1.01: with Grow available for the price of a beer....MY beer...

MCG Randomize Elements

1 vote

Pretty basic modifier to randomize mesh elements, the difference from the existing ones is the possibility to specify an upnode, which serves as a reference system for all the transformations. That means that XYZ rotation are then parallel with the object's axes, same with translation and scale.

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