3ds Max | MCG

MCG Renderable Points

2 votes

No the question isn't WHY...but rather WHY NOT all these years. Since there's RenderableSpline, why not Points ?

Installation: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/3ds-max/learn-explore/caas/CloudH...

Then can be found in Modifier dropdown list. It will work on Mesh/Splines, even if your mesh consists of all isolated verts...there's no requirements for proper 'polys'.

MCG SlicerRot

3 votes

This is a modified version of ASlicer to give more control with Rotation and Tilt rather than simply slicing in 90deg X/YZ.

MCG Voxelizer

8 votes


Bob the Boxelizer added some bells and whistles to Christopher Diggins' Voxelizer in the Sample Pack. Probably more useful to mographers....or use Bottom up method to illustrate 3D printing..

Video here: http://1drv.ms/1Itid08

Ver 1.01.00: the voxels are now 'cubic', ie. uniform in all dimensions, not oblong if your orig geo was oblong. Also added option to pick building block instead of default 'box'.


8 votes

I modified the ARingClone mcg to have a twist with it and end up with a rope maker. Basically, you create 1 really tall cylinder, apply Vu_mcgRope modifier to it and define how many strands of rope and the amount of twist. Apply a PathDeform to your rope to shape it with a spline.

That's it. Any questions...I'm just trying my hands on MCG for the first time. It's free, of course. Vu. [email protected]


5 votes

A very simple and handy modifier that will turn you high dense mesh into a bounding box, which will save your life if you are dealing with thousands of clones like what happened with me when I was designing my MCG tool (Brick wall builder). So what you have do is just apply this modifier and activate it only in the viewport but in render time it's gonna use the original mesh ;)

Math Float Controller

4 votes

My first MCG Controller, this is a super simple Math Float Controller, it allows you to mix controller types together without having to use a list controller. 

If you want to do something simple like have an object in a position and then add a noise controller to that position you can use this.

MCG Clonewolf

6 votes

another cloner ??? This Clonewolf allows both local rotation AND offset rotation to work at the same time !!! It also 'fits' the clones together using bbox instead of you manually fiddling around, it also allows mesh alignment for rotation so you don't have to fiddle with your object's subobj level.

MCG Cosmic Vibrator

0 votes

Put some vibes into your objects. Teach the kids about electrons and the Uncertainty Principle...

 Ver 2.00.00: Added colours so that as the electron jumps to different levels it will take on different colours depending on MultiMatIDs. Or if using vertex colours, it will become whiter the higher it jumps.

You can simply put the 3 files into your current tools directory and overwrite.

If view is blocked from Youtube, try this http://1drv.ms/1H2QJxW

MCG Curl a Spline

8 votes

REQUIREMENTS: Max 2016 + SP3 +EXT1/2, Max 2017 Installation: Scripting, Install Max Creation Graph... This MCG will curl a Spline, multi curve splines. Works with both Max 2016 and 2017, although in 2017 you'll get deprecation messages, it will still compile and run.

Ver 1.10: added Delay option

Ver 1.20: added Curl Axis so you can curl vertically (Y) or flat (Z)

MCG Deformbination

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