BackBurner monitor undocumented cmd switches

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In case you run multiple backburner managers (e.g. on notebook at several places or using local manager and manager in office) it is good idea to have icons for automatic connecting monitor to the different manager hosts.

I've found two working command line parameters for monitor.exe:

monitor -a
monitor -mservername

First one turns "Auto connect" on. Second one sets manager hostname and connects to it. (Note: There is no space between -m and hostname or ip)

So create new shortcut to monitor.exe and edit it's properties. Add -mlocalhost to target field:

"pathtobackburner\monitor.exe" -mlocalhost

Similarly you can create other links, e.g. monitor -mserver or -m10.0.0.100

Application Version: 
backburner 3+


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Phasma's picture

thx a lot!

I used it and i love it!

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