Tagged 'MCG'

3D R.n.D |MCG | Easy Escalator

1 vote

This MCG Tool will procedurally Generates an Escalator based on some inputs by the user.

Supported with 3dsmax 2016 - 2023


installation : 

to install run 3dsmax in the menu go to " Scripting " then " Install Max Creation Graph ( . mcg) package "


Usage :

in the create panel go to geometry then choose "3D | RnD" category 

3D R.n.D |MCG | Path Constraint By Speed

1 vote

This MCG Tool will allow to control speed in path constraint.

3D R.n.D |MCG | Power Sockets

1 vote

This MCG Tool will  Generates a power socket with minimal effort!.

Supported with 3dsmax 2016 - 2024


installation : 

to install run 3dsmax in the menu go to " Scripting " then " Install Max Creation Graph ( . mcg) package "


UI :

Unit : shows the current file units.

Slot (1-10) Type: choose between 28 different power switchs and sockets.

Slot (1-10) Flip ? : flip the current selected type.

3ds Max 2017 MCG Samples

1 vote

A library of useful Max Creation Graph (MCG) compounds and tools for 3ds Max 2017.

By: ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-MCG-Samples

You can use these sample by downloading and unzipping the repository from:

to: %userprofile%\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\Max Creation Graph\Tools

Where %userprofile% can be entered directly into Windows explorer and usually maps to somewhere like "C:\Users\digginc\"

3dsMax MCG Velocity Controllers

1 vote

MCG Velocity animation controllers.

Animate using speed.
Linear Velocity
Angular Velocity

Velocity Float:
. A single float velocity.

Velocity Transform:
. A transform velocity.
. Forward speed and orientation speed.

Update in V1.1
package "MCG_Velocity_Controllers_v1.1.zip" includes :
VelocityFloatController_v1.0.22.mcg (no changes from previous)
VelocityTransformControllerV1-1_v1.1.295.mcg (v1.1 update)

Changes in Velocity Transform Controller

. Added position and orientation offsets
. Added a button to pick a start Node

Angle Controller

1 vote

A simple MCG controller to allow the user to put in angle numbers without having to convert them to radians first or using a script controller.

Installation: Google how to install an MCG file if you don't know.

Compatible 3dsmax 2016 EXT 1 +


5 votes

A very simple and handy modifier that will turn you high dense mesh into a bounding box, which will save your life if you are dealing with thousands of clones like what happened with me when I was designing my MCG tool (Brick wall builder). So what you have do is just apply this modifier and activate it only in the viewport but in render time it's gonna use the original mesh ;)

Bitmap Transform Clone (3dsmax MCG)

4 votes

I made a tool for parametric modeling based on bitmap input by 3dsmax MCG graph This graph makes a 2d array from the mesh on top of the modifier stack in the XY plan and applies a grayscale bitmap to it and applies transfer setting to brighter areas of the bitmap given to it.

for better understanding see youtube video

Brick Wall Builder

8 votes

Brick Wall Builder is a scripted plugin created using 3ds max MCG and as the name tells it creates a various shapes of brick walls with huge amount of flexibility like you can choose multiple kinds of stones and apply a random materials to them in addition to changing the position,rotation and scale uniformly or randomly. It's as simple as just picking the shape and the brick and it will do the rest, and when you are done with distribution you like and thought of changing the shape length do worry also has the ability of maintaining the count and distribution while you are doing so. 

How to install: After downloading and unzipping the file go to Scripting menu and choose Install Max Creation Graph. after installing you will find it in command panel creation tab under VFXarabia category.

Please for more info check the tool videos or the tool page on my website: http://goo.gl/SsLwxK


Alaa Al Nahlawi


6 votes


BUR_SpinScatter is an object clone modifier that creates clones of the underlying object using an offset value and a rotation angle to create naturalistic patterns i.e. sunflower, sea anemone, etc. You can push the tool pretty far to create a wide variety of effects and all of the settings can be animated.

The graph also contains notes on how everything works.


Package also contains three compounds:

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