Tagged 'MCG'


14 votes

 Installation: Scripting, Install Max Creation Graph...

Max2017 should work straightaway, for max2016 ensure you have SP3 properly applied then Extension2 (maybe 1 would work too...can't be sure)

FFS...Floor Flux Sake !!! I empower you to take the Red pill or Blue pill....go into the graph and choose your destiny on the far right...Fastest compile time could be a second (Blue pills) or slowest (Red pills), with all functionalities, up to 15 secs !!! But once you've compiled the graph, it should be pretty quick.

Brick Wall Builder

8 votes

Brick Wall Builder is a scripted plugin created using 3ds max MCG and as the name tells it creates a various shapes of brick walls with huge amount of flexibility like you can choose multiple kinds of stones and apply a random materials to them in addition to changing the position,rotation and scale uniformly or randomly. It's as simple as just picking the shape and the brick and it will do the rest, and when you are done with distribution you like and thought of changing the shape length do worry also has the ability of maintaining the count and distribution while you are doing so. 

How to install: After downloading and unzipping the file go to Scripting menu and choose Install Max Creation Graph. after installing you will find it in command panel creation tab under VFXarabia category.

Please for more info check the tool videos or the tool page on my website: http://goo.gl/SsLwxK


Alaa Al Nahlawi

MCG Stitches

11 votes

I've decided to make this MCG available for FREE. If you appreciate my effort, you can buy my SweepDreams which works in full 3D here:


Create stitches along a path (multicurves supported). You are welcome to use the free variant Path Constraint but this has a few more controls.

ver 1.01: added Double Stitch option


MCG BraidGen

5 votes

Long story short, Braid tute from Kevin John, maxscripted by Trebor777, mentioned on MCG FB by Swordslayer....I reinterpreted it with my own eyes and MCG...cos I couldn't understand much maxscript...

Because of lots of twists and turns, I found the best way is to set the BraidGen Interpolation to 0, then use with a Sweep with Banking OFF, then TurboSmooth on top.

Ver 1.01: added Grow options, please see video.


8 votes

I modified the ARingClone mcg to have a twist with it and end up with a rope maker. Basically, you create 1 really tall cylinder, apply Vu_mcgRope modifier to it and define how many strands of rope and the amount of twist. Apply a PathDeform to your rope to shape it with a spline.

That's it. Any questions...I'm just trying my hands on MCG for the first time. It's free, of course. Vu. [email protected]

Inset Chamfer

9 votes

A pair of modifiers, the InsetBySmoothingGroup mcg modifier will inset mesh polygon groups by their smoothing groups, which helps to keep flat surfaces flat smoothed when chamfered instead of the usual mess. Keep in mind that for it to work, the smoothing groups should not be shared, i.e. no polygons that have both smoothing group 1, 2 etc. set. Note that the smoothing group edge borders are split afterwards, if you don't want that, you need to apply a Vertex Weld modifier.

MCG Path Constraint a.k.a IncrCloneOnCurve

12 votes

This MCG constraints your object motion to a path. The motion can be repeated forever beyond the curve.

It can also be used to incrementally clone object along a curve and there is no need to adjust the distance

between the clones and count when length of curve changes.


Ver 1.01.00: You can now use a curve to control scaling of the clones.

VA Mesh Conform

12 votes

VA mesh conform

Well mesh conform is not someting new to 3dsmax but what if it was much more faster and responsive compared to the legacy one with straight forward parameters and options to tweak.

I created this modifier using MCG, it has all sort of options you might want such as:

- Projection direction: world axis or source object normals.

VA CloneOnCurve

6 votes

An extended version of the (AClone on curve) modifier that ships with 3ds max, this one adds the ability to read multiple curves per shape and distribute the clones based on the size of the mesh.

Update 1.1:

The new update brings the ability to control the number of clones incrementally, and if you edited the first point in your shape you can control were the clones start to appear of finish.


MCG Cane Basket

8 votes

Installation: Scripting>Install Max Creation Graph...

A real basket case this....


simply make another basket, turn up side down..and there's your lid...

Ver 1.01: added Alt Every for different patterns

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