Batch Camera Render 2

10 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Sergo Pogosyan

Batch Camera Render maxscript version 2 - reworked and improved version of Batch Camera Render maxscript. The main imporvement is the ability to assign different settings to one camera, just as in standard 3ds max's Batch Render.

Take a note that it is still in beta stage!

Voted suggestion could be placed here - Google Moderator BatchCam2 Сategory

Additional Info: 

Current Version: 2.0.9

Release Date: 4 January 2013


  • Corrupted other script's custom attributes stored in a scene.

Release Date: 14 January 2012

  • Preview button added- it renders only current frame without saving anything - no images, no vray maps,no elements. Note that if output file is specified in standard Render Setup script saves rendered image in preview mode.


  • Frame Range Type "Frames" didn't recognized - fixed
  • Resolution changing in certain conditions caused error message - fixed
  • Netrender with Command-Line-Commit didn't worked well - fixed
  • Some of the Clear buttons didn't work as expected - fixed

Release Date: 21 November 2011


  • startup error in 3ds max versions <2012
  • render preset not found error fixed
  • animation ranges detection now works as expected and camera target's animation is also considered
  • clear settings in resolution and frame ranges


  • Render method from the version 1.9.x (fewer problems with gamma expected but not confirmed)
  • Vray section from the version 1.9.x
  • Orthographic camera mode in Vray section - turns Physical camera into orho mode (and any other cameras)
  • Nth Frame property can be set for each preset independently (useful for Vray Irmap calculation)
  • Render Preset property is now saved not as just a name of preset but as a full file path to ensure scene consistency across the network, different projects and 3ds max versions.
  • Render Element property is available, but only in 1.9.x render method. Render commit method can be choosed in Options rollout.

Small fixes:

  • Frame ranges are now remembered as you choose different range types.
  • Checked state of the render preset is also saving, so you don't have to recheck the presets when you're making many test renders.



Run this script with Maxscript -> Run Script command from any folder on your hard drive, then go to the *'Customize User Interface' -> 'Toolbars'*, browse to category 'Sergo Pogosyan' and add 'Render scene cameras...' button to the toolbar or to the menu.

This page will not be available for some time. 

Version Requirement: 
3ds max 2008-2012. 32-bit and 64-bit.
batchcam2.0.9.ms174.78 KB


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chakib's picture

didn't help !

I've tried it as Administrator it gives me the same error :s
really weird...

sergo's picture

Run as Administrator helps

I've tried your scene and I also get the error on render start. I restarted 3dsmax with Run as Administrator and then it started to render. I have no idea what is the reason of not render under normal user, but it is what it is.
Hope that helps.

P.S. Other thing is that your scene uses newer Nvidia plugin (possibly installed with recent Raygun or something like that), and standard 3dsmax complaints about that too.

chakib's picture

Here is the scene with only

Here is the scene with only cameras

test_scene.max 616 KB
chakib's picture

ok i'll send it soon

ok i'll send it soon

sergo's picture

Send me the scene if you can, I need only cameras in it.

Send me the scene if you can, I need only cameras in it.

chakib's picture


Hi man, i have a heavy scene that renders fine in vray, but once i configure it with Batch render like a always do, it gaves me now a weird msdos error with the file max name in it, didn't understand what is the problem, here is the dos error :

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013>"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\3
dsmaxcmd.exe" "C:\Users\blabla\Desktop\G Project\Gold room\BatchCam2Submit
Scene_gold_area_optimized01.max" -outputName:"C:\Users\blabla\Desktop\G Pr
oject\Gold room\renders\test.tif" -camera:"VRayPhysicalCamera001" -width:2000 -h
eight:1125 -frames:0 -continueOnError 1>>"C:\Users\blabla\AppData\Local\Temp\

themaxxer's picture

psd manager

great script, but is it possible to add the possibility to save to *.psd files via psdmanager?

best regards

jumils's picture

Thanks !!!

Wonderful tool thanks, save me precious minutes in the middle of the nights, sending renders to backburner.
Thanks again


sergo's picture

Привет!Скажу по секрету, что


Скажу по секрету, что версию 2.х я давно не обновлял, и скорее всего обновлять не буду. Работать над двумя версиями одновременно не получается, а версию 1.9 бросить тоже не получается. Пользуюсь этой версией везде, но только под 2012.
Попробую как нибудь в 2014, если будет нормально работать, то выложу новую 1.9 и ее и буду развивать.

Спасибо за предложения.

ps: Лучше наверное на английском тут писать, потому что народу тут много разного и тоже право имеют.

riperbot's picture

Привет) BatchCam1.9.x в 2014

Привет) BatchCam1.9.x в 2014 максе не пробовал. Раньше я пользовался только им в 2012 максе. Все работало отлично. Но перейдя на 2014 макс, сразу решил поставить и опробовать BatchCam2.0.9)

Кстати, есть несколько предложений:
1) возможность расширять внутреннее окно по вертикали, где находится список камер
2) возможность расширять все диалоговое окно по горизонтали
3) кнопка создания камеры (как стандартной, так и vray) во вьюпорте
4) возможность получать на выходе с одной камеры несколько форматов картинок, а не одну (например, *.png и *.jpg, т.е. за один проход 2 картинки)
5) добавить столбец с № и возможность перетаскивания камеры с одной строки вверх или вниз очереди (как в списке в uTorrent'е) или кнопка перемещения вверх/вниз
6) image aspect есть, а вот pixel aspect нету. было бы неплохо добавить pixel aspect
7) вместо %cameraname% сделать счетчик автоматический, а то при написании можно ошибиться

Много разных и частых ситуаций было, отсюда и возникли пожелания для улучшения уже отличного скрипта;)

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