Smart Poly Extrude

39 votes
Date Updated: 

I saw this thread and decide to make a script. :)

Then Syphorlate show a very elegant solution for quadratic extrusion and I add it to the script.

This is the final version of this script. Any future development of smart extrusion is in Syphorlate hands.


Work only with Editable Poly objects.


After each extrusion press the "Apply" or "OK" button to confirm the new mesh shape.


Installation: Drag and drop the mzp file in 3ds max.

Unzip the MZP file(using any archiver) and copy the PolyExtrudeIcons.png in maxRoot/UI/icons folder or in maxRoot/UI-in/icons folder. Then restart 3dsmax.

Go to Customize-Customize User Interface-"miauu" category.


Version Requirement: 
tested on max 2009 (should work in older versions too!)
Video URL: 
miauu_smartpolyextrude_v11.mzp29.27 KB


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FlameEye6's picture

Essential Tool

This tool is beyond essential and should be a part of any artist's toolbox. The only way this could be improved would be if you added a bevel option to it. Other than that, I can't imagine why Autodesk wouldn't include it by default in Max. Thanks a million.

Bandolin's picture

Thanks for the fix

Your fix works great.

luxxeon's picture

Thanks, Miauu, that works

Thanks, Miauu, that PNG fix works like a charm. Very handy script.

miauu's picture


You are right - that error ccurs. The solution: - install the script - unzip the MZP file and copy the PolyExtrudeIcons.png to maxRoot/UI/icons folder or in maxRoot/UI-in/icons folder. Then restart 3dsmax.

luxxeon's picture

Great Script but Error...

This might be one of the top 5 most useful modeling scripts for 3dsmax, however there are errors when running the script after install. In 3dsmax 2013, and possibly other versions. After install, when the script is called from a Quad menu, this error pops up (see attachment), and the script will not launch. If you run the install a second time in the same session, it will allow the script to run, but then you get the same error once you close max, restart, and try to run it from the quad menu again. In other words, it needs to be installed fresh every session, which is inconvenient. The script also has a misspelling.. in the Quad menu, the script is spelled "Smart Poly Extride", instead of Extrude. Not sure if this has anything to do with the error message.

smart-poly-extrude.gif 5.92 KB
miauu's picture


Maybe it is possible, but I have to find spare time for this.

kyle108's picture

is there a way to make this

is there a way to make this script work with modifiers in the stack? currently i get the error "--Runtime error: Epoly operation on non-Editable Poly: Editable Mesh" when i've got modifiers applied. Doesn't happen when there are no modifiers.

miauu's picture


Glad you like it. :)

Derp Meowslurp's picture

Perfect! Thanks, really


Thanks, really needed this

All your scriptz are belong to me!

Syphorlate's picture

Yeah I need this feature for

Yeah I need this feature for my current project, so I do have reason now to finish it soon :-)

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