Applying material settings from external file ruins my code sequence
Hello, this is going to be tough 'cause I came here with issues I can’t resolve by myself. In order to train my skils I’m creating an import script (3ds max 2009 32bit) for folder of FBX format. Everything worked the way I can call ‘RIGHT’ till I’d tried to add a function to apply material setting from external file. Settings are not applying and ruins the whole sequence allowing to import FBX as is. What my script do by default:
- imports FBX file from folder (by settings from external file)
- places all objects from given FBX into corresponded layer by LOD suffix
- renames every object by the name of its material name (which is always starts with ‘assets/textures/mtl_’) + LOD index
- removes all unused bones (this is not mine but works)
- applies material settings to each object - this is where I have problem
- adds an object into corresponded layer (by LOD index)
p.s.: there’s 2 redundant events (unbend, specLvl) ignore them
p.s.2: every mesh in FBX have material name called ‘assets/textures/’ whereis the external filename I’m trying to load + .mtl extension
here’s link to example files and script: