Applying MultiTexture through Maxscript
Hello, i'm kind of new on Maxscript and i get really stuck when material comes to the issue.
I'm scripting a format importer to study 3D formats and i get really stuck when the mesh has multi materials.
I get from the file the number of textures and which textures does it use and how many faces does each map use
For example I get from the script: First Texture uses 128 Faces, and Second texture uses 253 Faces.
Although i know how to apply a single texture to a whole mesh, i have no clue how to apply it to the number of faces i'm getting
This is my Script:
fTEST = getOpenFileName caption:"Choose Model File:" \ types:"Test Models (*.test)|*.test|" fopen = fTEST "rb" readlong f readfloat f ExtraUVs = readlong f -- Flag, if it's not 0 there are multitextures. --print "Extra UV's:" --print ExtraUvs NumTex = readlong f --Number of Textures (should be 1 if ExtraUVs == 0) --print "Number of Textures:" --print NumTex Texture_array=#() Bump_array=#() FaceStart_array=#() FaceCount_array=#() -- The following Loop is to get the textures in an array, The stringsize of the texture is 1024, each texture block has 2048, The first string is the bitmap, and the second is the bumpmap, but i'm not using bumpmap right know so although i read it i don't do anything with it. after the 2048 bytes there are two long bytes that tells me where does the face start and how many faces does it use from that point, for example, it starts in the number of face 12 and it uses other 64 faces from that point. for i = 1 to NumTex do ( tex = readstring f print tex fseek f -1 #seek_cur for i = 1 to (1024 - tex.count) do readbyte f append Texture_Array tex tex = readstring f print tex fseek f -1 #seek_cur for i = 1 to (1024 - tex.count) do readbyte f append Bump_Array tex Face_Start = readlong f print Face_Start append FaceStart_array Face_Start Face_Count = readlong f print Face_Count append FaceCount_array Face_Count ) Vert_array=#() Face_array=#() Normal_array=#() UV_array=#() Tg_array=#() EUV_array=#() -- From now on i'm just reading the vertex, faces and such Num_Vertex = readlong f --print "Number of Vertex:" --print Num_Vertex for i = 1 to Num_Vertex do ( vx = readfloat f vy = readfloat f vz = readfloat f append Vert_array[vx,vy,vz] --print Vert_array ) Num_Faces = readlong f --print "Faces:" --print Num_Faces for i = 1 to Num_Faces do ( fa = readshort f #unsigned fb = readshort f #unsigned fc = readshort f #unsigned append Face_array[fa+1,fb+1,fc+1] --print Face_array ) Num_Normals = readlong f #unsigned --print "Normals:" --print Num_Normals for i = 1 to Num_Normals do ( nx = readfloat f ny = readfloat f nz = readfloat f append Normal_array[nx,ny,nz] --print Normal_array ) Num_UV = readlong f #unsigned --Print "Number of UV's:" --print Num_UV for i = 1 to Num_UV do ( tu = readfloat f tv = readfloat f append UV_array[tu,1-tv,0] --print UV_array ) --Uv's of each face for i = 1 to ExtraUVs do ( for i = 1 to Num_UV do ( tu = readfloat f tv = readfloat f append EUV_array[tu,1-tv,0] --print UV_array ) ) Num_Tangent = readlong f --print "Number of Tangents:" --print Num_Tangent for i = 1 to Num_Tangent do ( tax = readfloat f tay = readfloat f taz = readfloat f append Tg_array[tax,tay,taz] --print Tg_array ) --Here i create the mesh msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array name:(ModelName) msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count buildTVFaces msh -- This is for only one texture, and i'm not very clear how to do it for 2 or more. for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j] for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j] --Since fTEST has the full path of the model i remove the path string until i encounter a \, and then i apply the texture string i got from the array, this is in order to apply a texture from the same folder. mappath = (substring fSCN 1 (fTEST.count - 4)) while mappath[mappath.count] != "\\" do ( mappath = substring mappath 1 (mappath.count - 1) ) if NumTex > 1 then ( map = MultiMaterial name:(ModelName+"_Map") numsubs:NumTex for v=1 to NumTex do ( local MatDiffuse = substring Texture_Array[v] 1 (Texture_Array[v].count - 4) local MatBump = substring Bump_Array[v] 1 (Bump_Array[v].count - 4) map[v].diffuseMap = bitmaptexture name: MatDiffuse map[v].diffuseMap.filename = mappath + MatDiffuse + ".dds" if((findstring ModelName "nocull") != undefined) then map[v].twoSided = true if((findstring ModelName "alphablend") != undefined) then ( map[v].opacityMap = bitmaptexture name:("Opacity_"+MatDiffuse) map[v].opacityMap.filename = map[v].diffuseMap.filename if((findstring ModelName "alphablend1") != undefined) then map[v].opacityMap.monoOutput = 1 ) showtexturemap map[v] map[v].diffusemap true map[v].showInViewport = on ) msh.material = map ) else ( MatDiffuse = substring Texture_Array[1] 1 (Texture_Array[1].count - 4) MatBump = substring Bump_Array[1] 1 (Bump_Array[1].count - 4) map = StandardMaterial name: (ModelName+"_Map") map.diffuseMap = bitmaptexture name: (ModelName + "Diffuse") map.diffuseMap.filename = mappath + MatDiffuse + ".dds" map.bumpMap = bitmaptexture name: (ModelName + "Bump") map.bumpMap.filename = mappath + MatBump + ".dds" if((findstring ModelName "nocull") != undefined) then map.twoSided = true if((findstring ModelName "alphablend") != undefined) then ( map.opacityMap = bitmaptexture name:("Opacity_"+ModelName) map.opacityMap.filename = map.diffuseMap.filename if((findstring ModelName "alphablend1") != undefined) then map.opacityMap.monoOutput = 1 ) showtexturemap map map.diffusemap true map.showInViewport = on msh.material = map
I know the code is such a mess but i'm a bit bad at it, and although i see the 3ds documentation i'm having a hard time to get it right >_<
If someone can get me some tips for improving it and trying to apply multimaterial it would be great to know
Thanks in advance