detect unicode file names and rename them!

How to DETECT non-english characters inside file names and rename them???

Please help!


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miauu's picture

Try this function:

-- function to make a filename valid by replacing illegal characters with a '_'
		function MakeFileNameValid fileName = -- fname must be just filename, no path....
			local illegal_characters =":/\\~!@#$%^&*()+=|'?><;[]{}\"" -- illegal characters in file name
			local res = copy fileName
			-- make sure the object name is legal for a filename
			local count = res.count
			for i = 1 to count do
				if (findString illegal_characters res[i]) != undefined do -- replace illegal characters with _
					res[i] = "_"
		)'s picture

I've found smth like this for php and javascript


if (preg_match('/[^\x30-\x7F]/', $_POST['full_name']) > 0)
    $error = true;

x30 will exclude: !"#$%&'()*+,-./.


var foreignCharacters = $("#foreign_characters").val();
var rforeign = /[^\u0000-\u007f]/;
if (rforeign.test(foreignCharacters)) {
  alert("This is non-Latin Characters");
} else {
  alert("This is Latin Characters");    

how to implement these things in maxscript:

for m in getClassInstances BitmapTexture where (foreignfn m.filename == true) do
rename m.filename

For the other hand we have:

character.set parameter for maxscript! I'm still confused!!!

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