
Hi I am trying to select an object by it unique handle. I can find out what the handle is (see below) what I dont know is how to select the object via its handle. Can anyone help?

$.handle (Returns the unique id associated with the node)




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Anubis's picture

check also setAppData

Yes, User Defined Properties are nice for that purpose.
Also can use setAppData function (check in the help).
While the UDP are only for scene objects, with setAppData can "stamp" any MAXWrapper_object - i.e. modifiers, materials, controllers ...

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

gramx's picture


Checked the Help it looks like I could use the AppData function to store IDs, Thanks.

gramx's picture


I couldn't figure out the syntax, I am new to max script, many thanks!


Graph's picture

select (for o in objects

select (for o in objects where o.handle == 2 collect o)[1]

just replace the 2 with the var holding the handle

Raphael Steves

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