Material control panel problem

Hi all,
I'm quite new to maxscript and I'm in trouble with a script I'm developing for a personal project.

The script will be applied to a control object, and consist in a simple panel where to change vrayLightMtl multiplier for some other objects in scene.

It works fine in current scene, but if I merge that scene in another one I get an error message ("--unknown property: "multiplier" in undefined").

I think there are some issues with material naming, but as I said I'm new to script :)

Here is the script (for 1st material, others are the same, or maybe not, but this could be another question), and attached you will find a screenshot of materials and panel:

plugin modifier MECHA_Focus_Cristalli
classID:#(0x133078, 0x54377)
 rollout focus "CRISTALLI FOCUS" width:162 height:400
  label focus_dia_lab "DIAMANTE" pos:[55,8] width:50 height:15		
  slider focus_dia_sli "Off                              On" pos:[14,28] width:136 height:44 range:[0,35,0] type:#integer orient:#horizontal ticks:10 animatable:true controller: sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller
  button focus_dia_CK "Create Key" pos:[5,85] width:65 height:15
  button focus_dia_DK "Delete All Key" pos:[70,85] width:85 height:15
  button focus_dia_set_0 "0" pos:[5,100] width:25 height:15
  button focus_dia_set_10 "10" pos:[30,100] width:25 height:15		
  button focus_dia_set_15 "15" pos:[55,100] width:25 height:15
  button focus_dia_set_20 "20" pos:[80,100] width:25 height:15
  button focus_dia_set_25 "25" pos:[105,100] width:25 height:15
  button focus_dia_set_35 "35" pos:[130,100] width:25 height:15
  on focus_dia_sli buttondown do
   ( ( animButtonState = True
    addNewKey sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller currentTime ) )
  on focus_dia_sli buttonup do
   animButtonState = False
  on focus_dia_CK pressed do
   ( addNewKey sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller currentTime )		
  on focus_dia_DK pressed do
   ( deleteKeys sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller #allKeys )
  on focus_dia_set_0 pressed do
   ( sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller.value = 0
    addNewKey sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller currentTime )
  on focus_dia_set_10 pressed do
   ( sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller.value = 10
    addNewKey sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller currentTime )
  on focus_dia_set_15 pressed do
   ( sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller.value = 15
    addNewKey sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller currentTime )
  on focus_dia_set_20 pressed do
   ( sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller.value = 20
    addNewKey sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller currentTime )
  on focus_dia_set_25 pressed do
   ( sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller.value = 25
    addNewKey sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller currentTime )
  on focus_dia_set_35 pressed do
   ( sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller.value = 35
    addNewKey sceneMaterials["FOCUS_dia_LUCE"].multiplier.controller currentTime )

Thanks everybody for any help!!

materials_01.jpg166.37 KB
panel_01.jpg17.26 KB


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barigazy's picture


Complicated? Come on!
You are trying to create scripted plugin. That's complicated :)


barigazy's picture


Don't use scenematerial[#name] concept.
It's better to collect material by class and then make some changes of collected mtl's. I already show that in the concept.
It's simple

-- collect all blend materials in array
RABBIT = #() -- material array
allVRayBlendMtls = getClassInstances vrayBlendMtl target:rootScene
mtlNamesArr = #("RABBIT_diamante","RABBIT_visore","RABBIT_cristalli")
for m in allVRayBlendMtls where (idx = findItem mtlNamesArr m.mane) != 0 do
   insertItem m RABBIT idx
RABdia = RABBIT[1]
RABvis = RABBIT[2]
RABcri = RABBIT[3]


ste's picture


I studied it and now I understand what it does [I went crazy to understand m.mane... :) :) :) ]

It returns:


because FOCUS_cristalli is in fact a submaterial of FOCUS.

I'm loosing my mind... and something like this?

allVRayLightMtls = getClassInstances vrayLightMtl target:rootScene
TEST = #(allVRayLightMtls)
TEST[1] = a
TEST[2] = b
TEST[3] = c

It works and returns me lightmat names.
But now I have to play with them...

If I go on with this

plugin modifier TEST
classID:#(0x133067, 0x54378)
 allVRayBlendMtls = getClassInstances vrayBlendMtl target:rootScene
 TEST = #(allVRayBlendMtls)
 TEST[1] = a	
 rollout test "TEST" width:162 height:400
  label test_lab "DIAMANTE" pos:[55,8] width:50 height:15		
  slider test_sli "Off                              On" pos:[14,28] width:136 height:44 range:[0,35,0] type:#float orient:#horizontal ticks:10 animatable:true controller: a.multiplier.controller
  button test_CK "Create Key" pos:[5,85] width:65 height:15
  button test_DK "Delete All Key" pos:[70,85] width:85 height:15
  on test_sli buttondown do
   ( ( animButtonState = True
    addNewKey a.multiplier.controller currentTime ) )
  on test_sli buttonup do
   animButtonState = False
  on test_CK pressed do
   ( addNewKey a.multiplier.controller currentTime )		
  on test_DK pressed do
   ( deleteKeys a.multiplier.controller #allKeys )

I get an error... :(

barigazy's picture


Why do you need modifier for this? You can use simple rollout.
It's much easier for testing.


ste's picture


Mmmm... good idea, but as a newbie I'm doing sometingh wrong...

try(destroyDialog ::test)catch()
rollout test "TEST"
	allVRayBlendMtls = getClassInstances vrayBlendMtl target:rootScene
	TEST = #(allVRayBlendMtls)
	TEST[1] = a
		label test_lab "DIAMANTE" pos:[5,8] width:50 height:15		
		slider test_sli "Off                              On" pos:[14,28] width:136 height:44 range:[0,35,0] type:#float orient:#horizontal ticks:10 animatable:true controller: a.multiplier.controller
		button test_CK "Create Key" pos:[5,85] width:65 height:15
		button test_DK "Delete All Key" pos:[70,85] width:85 height:15
		on test_sli buttondown do
		( animButtonState = True
			addNewKey a.multiplier.controller currentTime )
		on test_sli buttonup do
			animButtonState = False
		on test_CK pressed do
		( addNewKey a.multiplier.controller currentTime )		
		on test_DK pressed do
		( deleteKeys a.multiplier.controller #allKeys )
createDialog test 200 300 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)
barigazy's picture



try(destroyDialog ::focus)catch()
rollout focus "CRISTALLI FOCUS"
	fn createKey mtlname: curtime: value: deleteAllKeys:off=
		material = (getClassInstances VRayLightMtl target:rootScene)
		if material.count != 0 do
			for m in material where == mtlname do
				if deleteAllKeys then deleteKeys m.multiplier.controller #allKeys else
					with animate on at time curtime (m.multiplier = value)
			) ; free material
	label focus_dia_lab "                DIAMANTE" pos:[5,5] width:150 height:15	style_sunkenedge:on
	label focus_dia_label "Materiak Name:" pos:[5,25] width:150 height:15
	edittext focus_dia_name "" pos:[1,40] width:154 height:17 text:"FOCUS_dia_LUCE"
	spinner focus_dia_time "Frame:        " pos:[5,60] range:[-1e9,1e9,0] type:#integer fieldwidth:80
	spinner focus_dia_value "Multiplier:    " pos:[5,80] range:[-1e9,1e9,0] fieldwidth:80
	button focus_dia_CK "Create Key" pos:[5,100] width:65 height:18
	button focus_dia_DK "Delete All Key" pos:[70,100] width:85 height:18
	label focus_vis_lab "                VISORE" pos:[5,125] width:150 height:15	style_sunkenedge:on
	label focus_vis_label "Materiak Name:" pos:[5,145] width:150 height:15
	edittext focus_vis_name "" pos:[1,160] width:154 height:17 text:"FOCUS_vis_LUCE"
	spinner focus_vis_time "Frame:        " pos:[5,180] range:[-1e9,1e9,0] type:#integer fieldwidth:80
	spinner focus_vis_value "Multiplier:    " pos:[5,200] range:[-1e9,1e9,0] fieldwidth:80
	button focus_vis_CK "Create Key" pos:[5,220] width:65 height:18
	button focus_vis_DK "Delete All Key" pos:[70,220] width:85 height:18
	label focus_cri_lab "                CRISTALLI" pos:[5,245] width:150 height:15	style_sunkenedge:on
	label focus_cri_label "Materiak Name:" pos:[5,265] width:150 height:15
	edittext focus_cri_name "" pos:[1,280] width:154 height:17 text:"FOCUS_cri_LUCE"
	spinner focus_cri_time "Frame:        " pos:[5,300] range:[-1e9,1e9,0] type:#integer fieldwidth:80
	spinner focus_cri_value "Multiplier:    " pos:[5,320] range:[-1e9,1e9,0] fieldwidth:80
	button focus_cri_CK "Create Key" pos:[5,340] width:65 height:18
	button focus_cri_DK "Delete All Key" pos:[70,340] width:85 height:18
	on focus_dia_CK pressed do
		createKey mtlname:focus_dia_name.text curtime:focus_dia_time.value value:focus_dia_value.value
	on focus_dia_DK pressed do
		createKey mtlname:focus_dia_name.text deleteAllKeys:on
	on focus_vis_CK pressed do
		createKey mtlname:focus_vis_name.text curtime:focus_vis_time.value value:focus_vis_value.value
	on focus_vis_DK pressed do
		createKey mtlname:focus_vis_name.text deleteAllKeys:on
	on focus_cri_CK pressed do
		createKey mtlname:focus_cri_name.text curtime:focus_cri_time.value value:focus_cri_value.value
	on focus_cri_DK pressed do
		createKey mtlname:focus_cri_name.text deleteAllKeys:on
createdialog focus 160 360 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


barigazy's picture


Let me explain the concept.

First we have dropdown list "All VRayLightMtl's" where you can get (collect) all VRayLightMtl's. Just press "Refresh". Then pick one mtl from list.

Next you can add new tag by adding CustAttribut to selected material. This way you can easely find your material in the scene even if you rename material.

And last you can search and collect all materials with specified tag name in the listbox.

If you want to see result open Listener and press "Print All Taged Light Mtls" button.


barigazy's picture


Take look concept of this tool. I did'nt test this but idea is right.

try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "• • •"
	fn AddMtlTag mtl tag: =
		local caDef = attributes myCA
			parameters main
				filtername Type:#string default:""
		CustAttributes.Add mtl caDef
		mtl.filtername = tag
	fn collectLightMtls string: mtlOnly:off =
		array = getClassInstances VRayLightMtl target:rootScene
		if mtlOnly do return array
		if array.count != 0 do
			array = if string == unsupplied then for m in array collect else
				for m in array where isProperty m #filtername and m.filtername == string collect
		) ; array
	dropdownlist ddl_lightMtl "All VRayLightMtl's:" pos:[5,5] width:142 
	button btn_refresh "Refresh" pos:[146,24] width:48 height:19
	label lbl_mtl "Mtl Tag Label:" pos:[5,54]
	edittext et_tag "" pos:[1,70] fieldwidth:142 height:17 text:"CRISTALLI_FOCUS"
	button btn_addtag "AddTag" pos:[146,70] width:48 height:18
	label lbl_st "Search Tag:" pos:[5,94]
	edittext et_searchtag "" pos:[1,110] fieldwidth:142 height:17 text:"CRISTALLI_FOCUS"
	button btn_search "Search" pos:[146,110] width:48 height:18
	listbox lb_LightList "" pos:[5,130] width:190 height:10
	button btn_print "Print All Taged Light Mtls" pos:[5,268] width:190 height:30
	on btn_refresh pressed do ddl_lightMtl.items = collectLightMtls()
	on btn_addtag pressed do
		if ddl_lightMtl.items.count == 0 then 
			messageBox "Press Refresh button to fill the list.\nThen pick material from the list." title:"Warning" beep:off
			array = collectLightMtls mtlOnly:on
			for m in array where == ddl_lightMtl.selected do
				if isProperty m #filtername then m.filtername = et_tag.text else AddMtlTag m tag:et_tag.text
	on btn_search pressed do lb_LightList.items = collectLightMtls string:et_searchtag.text
	on btn_print pressed do
		if (material = collectLightMtls mtlOnly:on).count != 0 do
			format "<<< LIST OF TAGED MATERIJALS >>>\n"
			for i = 1 to material.count where isProperty material[i] #filtername do
				format "#% -> Material Name: %  ; Material Tag: %\n" i material[i].name material[i].filtername
createDialog bgaRoll 200 300 10 110 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


ste's picture

Yep, obviously in my original

obviously in my original scene the material is assigned.

In the new one the material should be imported, but I receive the error even if I assign it to my object, and if I delete and reapply my script.

I'm going crazy about it... I'm quite sure there is some issue with material path name, but I can't find the bug :(

I'll attach a sample scene and the whole script if someone wants to try...

focus_testmat.max 248 KB 7.28 KB
barigazy's picture


You need to assigne this material to some object. That's why you recive error


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