Photoshop LIGHTEN method in MAX

Good day

In Photoshop is LIGHTEN method mix color(Normal,Darken,Screen and so one....)
Can I use pastBitmap method in MAX to geting similar result.

pasteBitmap <src_bitmap> <dest_bitmap> (<src_box2> | <src_point2>) <dest_point2> maskColor:<color> type:{#paste | #composite | #blend} alphaMultiplier:<float>

If type: is #composite, the source alpha of the source is used:
clamp(R = S + D * (1-S.alpha))

If type: is #blend, the source alpha of the source is used:
R = S * S.alpha + D * (1-S.alpha)

For both type:#composite and type:#blend,
R.alpha = S.alpha + D.alpha * (1-S.alpha)

The type:#composite would typically be used for pre-multiplied alpha images.

If type: is #composite or #blend, the source alpha is multiplied by the alphaMultiplier: value, which defaults to a value of 1.0 if not supplied.

May bee anybady know which of them equivalent Photoshop LIGTEN and so one