populate an arrays with filename
hello all
i'm looking for a hint because im pretty clueless right now.
I often merge max file from a bank we have at work and i'm looking for a way to fasten the process.
My biggest problem now is How to populate the array from a DropDownList with file from a choose path.
from my knowledge Dropdownlist use item:#() to fill the list right??
i found about filestream or something like this while skimming the help but man! i need to get to the evidence. i'm such a noob.. better everyday but still a n00b :D
i attached a copy of my .MCR if anyone what to take a look.
btw if anyone wonder the scrip was started in visual maxscript and not yet cleaned.
any help is appreciated
--Pdesign_Bank.mcr --tester avec max 9 Macroscript PDesign_Bank category:"PDesign" ( --global global bank_rollout global bank_floater global objname --global --include --variable bank_Dir_path = undefined arr_bankobject = #() --function fn fill_objectbank = ( --arr_bankobject = #() for i = 1 to arr_bankobject.count do ( objname = arr_bankobject[i].filename ) ) --script rollout bank_rollout " Bank" ( button btn_bank_Dir "Path" align:#left across:2 -- pos:[10,30] edittext etxt_filePath fieldWidth:130 align:#left offset:[-45,0] text:"undefined" on btn_bank_dir pressed do ( bank_Dir_path = getsavepath() etxt_filepath.text = (bank_Dir_path as string) ) on etxt_filepath entered text do ( if etxt_filepath.text == "undefined" then etxt_filepath = undefined else bank_Dir_path = etxt_filepath.text ) dropDownList ddlist_objectList "Object List" items:#((objname as string)) pos:[11,35] width:180 height:40 on ddl_objectlist selected do ( ) button merge_obj "merge" pos:[8,80] width:192 height:40 checkbox chbx_rescaleObj "Rescale" pos:[46,125] label lbl_objPreview "Preview" align:#left bitmap bmp_objPreview "preview" pos:[16,160] width:184 height:144 groupBox grp2 "Creator Info" pos:[8,315] width:203 height:72 label lbl1 "David Bordeleau" pos:[64,312] width:80 height:15 label lbl2 "[email protected]" pos:[40,344] width:148 height:19 label lbl3 "25.08.2007" pos:[80,328] width:48 height:16 ) if bank_floater != undefined then closerolloutfloater bank_floater bank_floater = newrolloutfloater "presentation Design bank" 216 420 addrollout bank_rollout bank_floater )