scale big picture on a label

How to scale a picture (001.jpg) which has its own dimensions to display on a label

dotNetControl dropbtn "System.Windows.Forms.Label" pos:[50,4] width:155 height:121 

This code:

dropbtn.image = (dotNetclass "System.Drawing.image").fromfile "d:\folder\001.jpg"

is displaying a portion of the image inside 155x121px


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Thx barigazy! SOLVED

the only thing is

dropbtn.BackgroundImage = (dotNetclass "System.Drawing.image").fromfile...

but your suggestion is WONDERFUL!

barigazy's picture


BackgroundImageLayout properties : Stretch ; None ; Center ; Zoom ; Tile

dotNetControl dropbtn "System.Windows.Forms.Label" pos:[50,4] width:155 height:121
dropbtn.BackgroundImage = dropbtn.BackgroundImage.fromfile "d:\folder\001.jpg"
dropbtn.BackgroundImageLayout  = dropbtn.BackgroundImageLayout.Stretch


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