selection loop with a clause

I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction with this:

I have modified a script that converts all scene materials to plain random coloured materials.

I am trying to add a clause, so the script ignores materials that have a refraction colour less than black and/or have refractance map enabled.

The script as I have it is attached (it has been written to function with Vray).

Any help would be massively appreciated!



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barigazy's picture

I have not tested this but

I have not tested this but you can test it and tell me it is works

mtlClassArr = #(VRayMtl,Multimaterial,VRayOverrideMtl,VRayBlendMtl,Blend)
fn filtMTL mtl = isKindOf mtl VRayMtl and mtl.Relection == black and mtl.texmap_refraction != undefined
fn createStdMtl = 
	Mat = StandardMaterial diffuse:[random 0 255, random 0 255, random 0 255] selfillumamount:100
	Mat.Diffuse.s = Mat.Diffuse.v = 255 ; Mat
for o in objects where o.material != undefined do     
	mtl = o.material
	if (idx = findItem mtlClassArr (classof mtl) != 0 do
		case idx of (
			(1): ( --VRayMtl
				if filtMTL mtl do mtl = createStdMtl()
			(2): ( --Multimaterial
				mmtArr = mtl.materialList
				for m = 1 to mmtArr.count where filtMTL mmtArr[m] do (mtl.materialList)[3] = createStdMtl()
			(3): ( --VRayOverrideMtl
				if filtMTL mtl.baseMtl do mtl.baseMtl = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.giMtl do mtl.giMtl = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.reflectMtl do mtl.reflectMtl = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.refractMtl do mtl.refractMtl = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.shadowMtl do mtl.shadowMtl = createStdMtl()
			(4): ( ---VRayBlendMtl
				if filtMTL mtl.baseMtl do mtl.baseMtl = createStdMtl()
				for m = 1 to 9 where filtMTL mtl.coatMtl[m] do mtl.coatMtl[m] = createStdMtl()
			(5): ( --Blend
				if filtMTL mtl.map1 do mtl.map1 = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.map2 do mtl.map2 = createStdMtl()


FATdan's picture


Hi barigazy.
Thanks for looking at this!!

It generated an error the first time I ran it but I think that was due to an extra ) at the end.

The following error was as follows:

"-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 12; line: 1
-- Syntax error: at name, expected while
-- In line: mtlClassArr ="

(could you tell me how to insert code on posts please? I can't find any info on the sticky)

I am assuming that the script is halted at the point of error as nothing changes in the scene.

Any thoughts?

Many Thanks


barigazy's picture

try now

I forgot to put the close brucket in line 10

mtlClassArr = #(VRayMtl,Multimaterial,VRayOverrideMtl,VRayBlendMtl,Blend)
fn filtMTL mtl = isKindOf mtl VRayMtl and mtl.Relection == black and mtl.texmap_refraction != undefined
fn createStdMtl = 
	Mat = StandardMaterial diffuse:[random 0 255, random 0 255, random 0 255] selfillumamount:100
	Mat.Diffuse.s = Mat.Diffuse.v = 255 ; Mat
for mtl in scenematerials do     
	if (idx = findItem mtlClassArr (classof mtl)) != 0 do
		case idx of 
			(1): ( --VRayMtl
				if filtMTL mtl do mtl = createStdMtl()
			(2): ( --Multimaterial
				mmtArr = mtl.materialList
				for m = 1 to mmtArr.count where filtMTL mmtArr[m] do (mtl.materialList)[m] = createStdMtl()
			(3): ( --VRayOverrideMtl
				if filtMTL mtl.baseMtl do mtl.baseMtl = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.giMtl do mtl.giMtl = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.reflectMtl do mtl.reflectMtl = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.refractMtl do mtl.refractMtl = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.shadowMtl do mtl.shadowMtl = createStdMtl()
			(4): ( ---VRayBlendMtl
				if filtMTL mtl.baseMtl do mtl.baseMtl = createStdMtl()
				for m = 1 to 9 where filtMTL mtl.coatMtl[m] do mtl.coatMtl[m] = createStdMtl()
			(5): ( --Blend
				if filtMTL mtl.map1 do mtl.map1 = createStdMtl()
				if filtMTL mtl.map2 do mtl.map2 = createStdMtl()


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