Transform matrix in local space

Hi - I'm doing some basic maxscript to translate a hieararchy between two different formats (source to max using dummies).

Consider the following:

print "Pos in parent: " + (in coordsys parent $.pos as string)
print "Pos in world: " + (in coordsys world $.pos as string)

Works as expected!

print "Transform in parent: " + (in coordsys parent $.transform as string)
print "Transform in world: " + (in coordsys world $.transform as string)

Does not work as expected!

Is there a limitation in maxscript to set the .transform of an object in localspace and not worldspace? In Max SDK ImpNode setTransform(int, matrix) is used.

Second, I'm a bit surprised "on coordsys local" does not work or use the same convention as in other systems. To me local is the local transform that is being multiplied downstream in a hieararchy to sum up the final world transform.

Guess a workaround would be to break up the source matrix into - pos, rotate and scale and go from there.

