Vertex Keyframe Trasfer

Friends need help with this script.

This script creates boxes at each vertex of the object pick and trasnfiere keyframes of each vertex to each box set. (eye, the script is not mine, I copy a page of examples)

I need help to make some changes, please:

1-select only the vertices I want to use and save it in an array.
2-create a copy of a selected object in each vertex that is in the array and transfer your keyframes.

rollout A1 "Animated Vertex"
 button B3 "Pick Object"
	on B3 pressed do
 local boxSize = 1 
 local frameStepping = 2 
 local obj = selection[1] 
 if isValidNode obj do 
  local tMesh = obj.mesh 
  local boxes = for i=1 to tMesh.numVerts collect box width:boxSize height:boxSize length:boxSize 
  with animate true for t=animationRange.start.frame to animationRange.end.frame by frameStepping do at time t for i=1 to tMesh.numVerts do boxes[i].pos=((getVert obj.mesh i)*obj.transform)  


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barigazy's picture

Attach simple test scene for

Attach simple test scene for testing


THE's picture

I need to create the bone at

I need to create the bone at the vertexes of the fabric, but only the selected vertices (not all) and transfer framekeys of vertices to bones created at each vertex.

If it is difficult for you, then duplicate the bone at all vertices.


cloth.max is the fabric with the cloth modifier

cloth_baked_without_clothmodifier.max without cloth modifier

cloth_baked_without_clothmodifier.max 568 KB
cloth.max 336 KB

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