instances to separate layers

Guys here's the script idea:
I need a script that would move all the instances (of multiple definitions) from the current selection to the separate layers
For example in the current selection I have 10 instances called AAA_ , 10 instances called BBB_ , 10 instances called CCC_ etc..
The script would create the separate layers in accordance to instances names, but starting with prefix z_ :
and move the instances to related layers (all AAA_ instances will be moved to layer z_AAA, BBBs to layer z_BBB etc)
P.S. Instances have numbers in its names, typically AAA_001, AAA_002 etc - the script should ignore them
P.P.S. Ideally I'd like the this script to continue and create dedicated Forest Sets based on those new layers, but maybe I'm asking too much :)
The script is needed for creating reference forests based CAD blocks coming from Sketchup, Autocad, etc..
Thank you


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1rv's picture

This will launch this script

This will launch this script to stratosphere:
Is it possible to add an optional button "add FP geo"?
(I'd create FP in the rRef mode with selected entities) :)
P.S. I PMed you (

SimonBourgeois's picture

updated script
Previous version has a bug when forest pro version was used.
there is still a limitation to this script, every sets of instances need to have a different base name or the script crashes because layers are created based on those instances names stripped of the "_00x"part.
for example: Object_001,Object_002,Object_003,etc... and Other-Object_001,Other-Object_002,Other-Object_003,etc...

miauu's picture


	local strZ_ = "Z_"
	local str0123456789_ = "0123456789_"
	local imGetInstances = InstanceMgr.GetInstances
	function UniqueNodes nodes: = 
		local handles = #{}
		for o in nodes where not handles[GetHandleByAnim o] collect
			imGetInstances o &inst
			for i in inst do handles[GetHandleByAnim i] = true
	UniqueObjsArr = UniqueNodes nodes:(selection as array)
	for o in UniqueObjsArr do
		objsArr = #()
		if (imGetInstances o &inst) > 1 do (if findItem objsArr o == 0 do join objsArr inst)		
		layerName = (strZ_ + (trimRight str0123456789_))
		if (objLayer = layerManager.newLayerFromName layerName) != undefined then
			objLayer.addNodes objsArr
			(layerManager.getLayerFromName layerName).addNodes objsArr
SimonBourgeois's picture

Hi miauu,Good idea for the

Hi miauu,

Good idea for the (trimRight str0123456789_), its better then my (substring 1 ( - 4), also your function for collecting unique nodes looks better,and the check for already existing layer with the same name is also a good idea.;)
But there is something that doesn't work well in your script, if you have objects in selection that are referenced copys it will create a layer for them aswell, that is why i added this line: trueInstances = for n in instances where (areNodesInstances obj n) collect n
also i noticed that your script was creating a layer for objects that aren't instanced if selection contain non instanced object.
i've updated my earlier post to add the forestset creation, now that i see your post, maybe we should merge the two versions...:)
By the way thanks for all your post, you have been really helpfull, i am new to scripting and i've been learning a lot from you.
Also, i was wondering how to post code in a "window" like you, mine has been all messed up when i posted it (every line start at the begining of a line).
Here is a merged version of both script:
local imGetInstances = InstanceMgr.GetInstances

fn collectUniqueNodes nodes: =
local handles = #{}
for o in nodes where not handles[GetHandleByAnim o] collect
imGetInstances o &inst
for i in inst do handles[GetHandleByAnim i] = true

local uniquenodes = collectUniqueNodes nodes:selection as array

for obj in uniquenodes do
imGetInstances obj &instances
trueInstances = for n in instances where (areNodesInstances obj n) collect n
if trueInstances.count > 1 do
local layername = "Z_"+(trimRight "0123456789_")

if (objLayer = layerManager.newLayerFromName layerName) != undefined then objLayer.addNodes trueInstances
else (layerManager.getLayerFromName layerName).addNodes trueInstances

if isForestPack != undefined do ForestSet pos:obj.pos layerimport:on layernames:layername


miauu's picture


Hi, Simon!

I don't know if my code will work properly or not, because I don't have a scene to test with.
If you want you can scalp what you need from my code.

To properly post your code in the forum use this(without the quotes):

-- your code here


SimonBourgeois's picture


thx Miauu,
For some reason i can't edit the earlier message but i can edit this one, so here is the updated code :

	local imGetInstances = InstanceMgr.GetInstances
	fn collectUniqueNodes nodes: = 
		local handles = #{}
		for o in nodes where not handles[GetHandleByAnim o] collect
			imGetInstances o &inst
			for i in inst do handles[GetHandleByAnim i] = true
	local uniquenodes = collectUniqueNodes nodes:selection as array
	for obj in uniquenodes do
		imGetInstances obj &instances
		trueInstances = for n in instances where (areNodesInstances obj n) collect n
		if trueInstances.count > 1 do
			local layername = "Z_"+(trimRight "0123456789_")
			if (objLayer = layerManager.newLayerFromName layerName) != undefined then objLayer.addNodes trueInstances
			else (layerManager.getLayerFromName layerName).addNodes trueInstances
			if isForestPack != undefined do ForestSet pos:obj.pos layerimport:on layernames:layername

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