List bone envelope weights

I am using 3dsMAX 6 to make models for a rather old game. The models use a form of vertex animation that is not available in the exporter for that format. Recently, I have learned to do this manually in notepad, but for complex structures of many bones this is impractical.

The skin modifier is used to set up the animation and TCB Translation and Rotation animations are applied to the bone objects. These animations will export but the envelopes will not.

SI_EnvelopeList {
   SI_Envelope {
   SI_Envelope {

This states that there are 2 envelopes. The first uses the bone 'anim' for 4 verts from 'main', these are verts numbers 0,1,2, and 3. All bones are applied with a 100% weight in this case. The 2nd envelope has the bone 'anim2' effecting the mesh 'main' again (it could have been another mesh). There are 2 verts effected, numbers 7 and 10, again at 100% weight, 1.0 in max.

I request a script that can be run at the press of a button that would output the required information in this format in some way so it can be directly pasted into the target XSI game mesh file. This is a rather old version of XSI, hence the lack of support.

I, and the entire Battlezone II modding community, would greatly appreciate your help.

A small note I just thought of. I believe max starts it's vertex numbering at 1 but this version of XSI starts at 0.