Help with Resizing rollout based on Subrollout "rolledUp"
Hello Guys, im working on a personal project Im trying to create a rollout with some subrollouts the idea is to resize the mainrollout based on the "RolledUp" state of the subrullouts and move the available buttons, but i ran into some issues:
- By using MainRollOut.height += subrollout2.height is increasing the Mainrollout size when opening the Mainrollout
- When changing the position of the buttons in the mainrollout, the buttons stop working, (like if they are behind and click is not available anymore.
I will really appreciate any help or feedback
----------------------------- Script ---------------------------------
try(DestroyDialog MainRollOut)catch()
rollout MainRollOut "Test Rollout" width:325 height:180
subRollout SubrolloutMain height:125 align:#center
button btnMainrollout1 "Button 1" align:#left width:100 offset:[45, 0]
button btnMainrollout2 "Button 2" align:#left width:100 offset:[150, -26]
rollout subrollout1 "Test Rollout" width:325 height:300
button btnsubrollout1 "Button 1" align:#center
rollout subrollout2 "Test Rollout" width:325 height:300
button btnsubrollout2 "Button 1" align:#center
on subrollout2 rolledup bState do <---------------------------------------- HERE
if (bState == true) then
MainRollOut.height += subrollout2.height
MainRollOut.height += 1
--MainRollOut.height += subrollout2.height
MainRollOut.height -= subrollout2.height
MainRollOut.height -= 1
--label_linfo.pos=[28,newmain - 15]
createDialog MainRollOut pos:[1400,100]
addSubRollOut MainRollOut.SubrolloutMain subrollout1
addSubRollOut MainRollOut.SubrolloutMain subrollout2