Tagged 'MCG'

MCG Arrange Objects

3 votes

Arrange objects (any) into rows/cols/layers.

ver 1.01: added Ring arrangement

ver 1.02: added Triangle/Pyramid

Please be careful in this mode as 'leftovers' maybe in amongst your heap of objects, so it is best to deactivate, move all your objects away from Origin, then Reactivate and do another pattern.

MCG Edge Length Display

2 votes

This MCG displays edge length of visible edges in your mesh. Will also work for spline, as in straight segments, ie. not the curve of a circle

ver 1.01: added unit display...with chicken foot symbol for feet...well it's my MCG and I can do whatever I want..

ver 1.02: added miles and kms

Inset Chamfer

8 votes

A pair of modifiers, the InsetBySmoothingGroup mcg modifier will inset mesh polygon groups by their smoothing groups, which helps to keep flat surfaces flat smoothed when chamfered instead of the usual mess. Keep in mind that for it to work, the smoothing groups should not be shared, i.e. no polygons that have both smoothing group 1, 2 etc. set. Note that the smoothing group edge borders are split afterwards, if you don't want that, you need to apply a Vertex Weld modifier.

Cloner 2D

3 votes



Two dimensional clone modifier with random position offsets, random local rotations and random MaterialIDs.

Use to create tiles of any sort.

Known bugs:

- Local rotations and random rotations don`t work together very well

Release info:

- 1.0

Now you can define what angle to use for snapping in random rotation.

All features work in both dimentions.

 - 0.96 

MCG SimpleWeave

9 votes


This MCG creates a weave pattern.

Thanks to har1sf0x who wrote the h_flipNormals compound !!! came in handy.

Ver 1.01.00: Added logic for seamlessness if to be bent into a tube. So when you bend so that the top meets the bottom (and Welder added) it will be seamless. Also added Skew options just for finer adjustments.

MCG Honeycomb

7 votes

This MCG creates a honeycomb structure.

Pretty sure you don't need a video for this one. It will appear in Create Panel, not Modifier.

Love bees people, without them who's gonna polinate your plants for you ?

MCG Line

4 votes

Simple straight line....well it was for a simple request so no need to flame me.



Then can be found in Create>Shapes>Vu


MCG Zoolinderrr

2 votes

Annoyed that the default Cylinder doesn't allow more than 200 in Height/Sides/Caps seg count ? Stooooooopid, Zoolinderrr is waaaay betterrrrrerrrr... (ok, there is a limit of 9999 but who's counting ? Especially male supermodels)

Use in cases where you need to stretch your longfellow along a really really long path and you need lots and lots of segs...

(The Weld in MCG is crap so use a Welderrr instead)

No there's no video !!! Just print out this picture and slap it on your bedroom wall....Zooweet dreams...

MCG Clone On Verts

2 votes

This MCG will clone on vertices of your emitter object. It will work with/without vert subobject selection and/or soft selection. With soft selection, it will auto scale the clone based on the feathering.

Yes I know it's ANOTHER cloner..but since I've been doing some exercises on MCG vertex stuff, seems a bit of a waste if I don't make something of it...

Ver 1.00.01: added Clone Step

Ver 1.01.00:

- fixed 1 unit offset off the surface

MCG 32BitPatternMaker

10 votes

This MCG allows you to make tileable geometries. Works on just about anything that has a Tesselate on it.

(The 32Bit refers to 32 Tris you can use to form a pattern. It does not impose restrictions on your software version or op system, you need at least Max 2016 that is...)

Updated Ver 1.01: compacted boxes, added Tile Mode

Ver 1.02: checkboxes are now buttons, also added a few more patterns...check out latest video.