Tagged 'MCG'

MCG Lightning

6 votes



...bring out the Dead

Ver 1.03: you got free Forking...but not for the Arcing mode. I was going to release a 'for sale' version with......Farking....but eh...I feel good with humanity today so everyone should get free Farking...

Also added Recycle option as your Lightning grows..it lags....so use Recycle to help...


MCG Sweep Scale

6 votes

You can use a Sweep to loft on multi-curve spline....but you lose the Scale functionality of the normal Loft. Enter this....MCG Sweep Scale.



Then can be found in modifier list (naturally, you should add a Sweep first)

MCG Randomize Elements

1 vote

Pretty basic modifier to randomize mesh elements, the difference from the existing ones is the possibility to specify an upnode, which serves as a reference system for all the transformations. That means that XYZ rotation are then parallel with the object's axes, same with translation and scale.

MCG Arches

3 votes

REQUIREMENTS: Max 2016 + SP3 +EXT1/2, Max 2017

Installation: Scripting, Install Max Creation Graph...

Creates various types of arches: Circular, Lancet, Trefoil, Ogee, Reverse Ogee, Inflexed and Horseshoe. Please note that I didn't follow any ancient building codec strictly to the letter...only that the curves are derived from perfect circular segments. Using the Curvature adjustment, you could get other arch types like Parabolic, Elliptical ...etc...

MCG Pipes

4 votes


Installation: Scripting, Install Max Creation Graph...

Creates industrial pipes on a spline path. $5 USD, you know the drill, email me, [email protected]

Works with multi-curves.

Voluminance MCG

14 votes

Voluminance calculates the amount of light each vertex receives taking into account the distance traveled inside a mesh. A longer distance traveled inside means more of the light got absorbed resulting in a darker vertex color.

To view the result in the viewport enable the 'VertexColor channel display" in the object's properties dialog. For rendering you can you use the vertexcolor-map to drive material parameters.

Inset/Bevel/Extrude Poly

7 votes

BevelPoly Compound enables you to extrude, outline and inset the provided Poly (TriMesh). It can keep or delete the original surface, which might be used to create only the border quadstrips. The package includes all the compunds it depends on and an example modifier shown in the gif:

Populate Drop to Surface

0 votes

By default Populate doesn't allow you to have your characters walking on uneven surfaces. This MCG hacks a way to put them on any surface below. It's not perfect but it'll work for a lot of cases.

MCG Rings

9 votes


Rings for the mographers. Based on my VenetianBlind mcg, use this with a Bend to create rings of all sorts. Go nuts !!!

Combined with MultiSlicerRot


Ver 1.01.00:

  - Added Random X Offset so you can randomly move the strips sideways (this is the old 'RandRevolve')

MCG Ring Dots aka Dot Matrix

9 votes


Creates rings of dots or holes...ie..can be used for speaker patterns, showerheads, brushheads...etc..

Ver 1.01: added Height Offset and ability to use Custom Closed Spline for Stock. This can be used in either Dots or Holes mode.

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