A global VrayMtl controler &missing maps find tool

I'm new to MaxScripts;And my English is pool...I'm sorry.
This is my first script,yet,it may has some problems,I'm glad to know them,If you find them,please mail me,thank you!

This script is used to contrl VrayMtl in the scene,includ Blend,Shellac,TopBottom,VRayOverrideMtl[base],VRay2SidedMtl, VRayMtlWrapper,Mult/Sub,VRayBlendMtl and so on.(only for first layer...)

I write this script to Accelerate render for preview,some Parameters are like vray render Parameters,not same.

The missing maps find part,will scan every material used in scene,and creat a blank material library (c:\missmap.mat) and set it as currentmaterialliberary,if a material's map(s) is missing,put it to that material library. (this script maybe like some others script,but i think it should be faster:)

If this script has some usage to you, I would be happy:)
This is my blog (Chinese):http://zhyuzh3d.blog.163.com/
And my Email: [email protected]
waiting for your suggestion:)

VrayMtlContrl-MissM.ms13.79 KB
Untitled-1.jpg51.73 KB


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nkitect's picture

thank zhyuzh! very useful

thank zhyuzh! very useful

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