a registerTimeCallback problem


I'm new to maxscript - but not to max. I wanted to create a rollout which would give some information about an object's animation : distance between next and previous frame, distance from the origin of the movement, etc...
I thought that it wouldn't be to hard to script... i was wrong ! the whole script works, except that i can't display the information in the rollout : i only can print it to the listener - which is not what i want. Here is a simple script that resume the problem :

---------- SCRIPT TEST -----------

if ((test_roll != undefined) and (test_roll.isdisplayed)) do (destroyDialog test_roll)
unRegisterTimeCallback refreshObjData
global objetSelect
global interfP1
fn objetFilter objetSelect = (superClassOf objetSelect == geometryClass)
fn refreshObjData =
frameP1 = currentTime +1
At time currentTime objPosX = objetSelect.pos.x
At time frameP1 objPosXP1 = objetSelect.pos.x
ecartSuivMm = (objPosXP1 - objPosX)
print ecartSuivMm

-- Rollout --

rollout test_roll "testUI"
label interfP1 "Intervalle f+1 : " align:#left pos:[10, 10]
pickbutton pbt_selObj "Select. objet" autoDisplay: true pos:[10, 40] width:80 filter:objetFilter

on pbt_selObj picked objetSelect do
if objetSelect != undefined do
select objetSelect
registerTimeCallback refreshObjData

createDialog test_roll 150 80


The whole thing is, i guess, about the refreshObjData function : how could i replace the "print ecartSuivMm" by something that would display the "ecartSuivMm" value in the rollout after the label "Intervalle f+1 :". I've search the maxscript help and found nothing. I'm sure the solution is quite simple but i have no idea left ! Please help me !!!


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Anubis's picture

Ok, at the very beginning

Ok, at the very beginning and I missed to meet variables scope but it is fundamental and necessary in all scripts. There is a topic in maxScript Reference and I recommend it to you. Here is a hint in your question, all variables declared on root level is a global, for example if you type in Listener A=5, that means you already declared A as a global variable. Here's why I moved inside the rollout your filter function, to make it local. Briefly your rollout test_roll in this case is a global variable, so all what you need is to call it's controllers value, ie if you enter in Listener:
test_roll.showme.text will return label showme string value. And to assign new value just use: test_roll.showme.text = "String Value Here". For more clear try the example from the screenshot.
Rollout Access

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mBlast's picture

Your explanation is just

Your explanation is just fantastic - i now understand better the way global/local variables are working, and also how to reach a rollout property. With your exemple it just took me minutes to make my script works. Many thanks for your help, Anubis

Anubis's picture

There is an short example

There is an short example (without callbacks, also without globals):

if (test_roll != undefined) do
	if (test_roll.isdisplayed) do
		(destroyDialog test_roll)
rollout test_roll "testUI"
	fn objSelFilter obj = (superClassOf obj == geometryClass)
	label showme "" align:#left pos:[10, 10]
	pickbutton pbt_selObj "Select. objet" autoDisplay:true pos:[10, 40] width:80 filter:objSelFilter
	on pbt_selObj picked obj do
		if obj != undefined do
			result = (At time (currentTime+1) obj.pos.x) - (At time currentTime obj.pos.x)
			showme.text = result as string
createDialog test_roll 150 80

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

mBlast's picture

Hi Anubis, many many thanks

Hi Anubis, many many thanks for your answer - your way to code is much more efficient than mine ! But i'm afraid i didn't explain my problem well enough : the thing is that i would like the info to be refreshed automatically in the rollout when i move the slidertime - that's why i'm using the registerTimeCallback function.
The maxscript help says that this function is executed in a separate stack, so the local variables can't be passed to it. That's why i use global variable. But i don't know how to make the label that writes the value ("showme" in your example) a global variable too, i think it could be a solution. I hope this is clear enough this time - sorry. And again thanks for helping

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