Adopt Object shape by it's dimensions(value) to another

Hello community, have been troubling with making a automatical method that would allow to apply object"A" shape to array of obects"" using information about it demensions and resizing each bone indivdualy.

Little introduction:

As shown in the image, using measure i had given xyz dimension of the object "A", then i'm looking at object "b" acctualy should be in array of many obj), and by using values from its demension xyz, im assining those values to object "A", that giving me this result, 


The Whole problem of this method is that, i need to apply size changes by a main bone in hierahy like "bip01" , and dissabling other bones that correspond to different parts of the model, like gloves bones, leg bones, head bones, so only spine bones corresponding to that part of model would be sized to values that i needed, so  i would like some little help in understanding which methods could be used for this task,

Task itself:

like - how in script mode, resolve Object's array - Dimensions values, and apply them to each copy of object "A" in array,  using bone system , plus how to make an offset propertie for XYZ, so i could applie little changes to future objects.

Hope i cleared out what i had in mind, so please can someone help me.



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TsveTan's picture

Some more explanations needed...

What is the final result you want to achieve?
For example you have to make a mixed (scaled) character, affected by two other.
And their bone systems are different and need also to be scaled.
What actually is the character's array? Do you need to scale the whole object, the spine or other groups? Why you don't direct to a simple scale? Do you want to create a hybrid? What about textures' mixing?

DolVai's picture

Any update

Any ideas on this ? maybe someone can post link to a topic with simmiliar tasks - conserning object dimensions calculation.

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