Align to QUAD not Poly?

Dont feel I explained what im trying to clearly so changed the title, I want to align objects to the centre of a quad's face, every time I try aligning to face it picks up the the two triangle faces.

vertexCount = getNumVerts $.mesh	
for i = 1 to vertexCount do
	my_House = Box name: "my_House"
	randomScale = [random 1 3, random 1 3, random 1 4]
	my_Copy = copy my_House
	my_Copy.rotation.controller.z_rotation = random 0 360
	my_copy.Scale = randomScale
	newPos = getVert $.mesh i
	newPos = newPos * $.Transform
	my_Copy.pos = newPos

I guess I need some way of collecting all the faces, finding their center point and normal direction then applying an object to those coordinates.

Thanks folks :)


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kogen's picture

Hei Vapourise, basically

Hei Vapourise,

basically you'd need some matrix-calculations to achieve this.
An easier way to do this might be that:

objsource = $Sphere001
obj2bealigned = $Box003
facenumber = 178

obj2bealigned.pos = polyOp.getFaceCenter objsource facenumber
obj2bealigned.dir = polyOp.getFaceNormal objsource facenumber

For testing purpose I wanted to align a Box (obj2bealigned) to a face of a sphere (objsource).
First I get the position of the center of that face.
And then I align the object onto the face-normal by using its "dir" property that faces always in the Z direction of the object.


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