Another problem with Image Button ....

Hi all

Reading this question:
I enjoyed exploring the script by creating an image reader with relevant information (to study a little MAXScript).

All right, so the script works ecc, BUT... Run this script:

try (destroydialog ::fmi) catch()
rollout fmi "Find Info Image"
	Global Sel_Bitmap, new_bitmap, Info
	group "Image..."
	button bt1 "Select Image"
	group "Measure Image..."
	label lab1 "Width ="
	label lab2 "Height ="
	group "Preview"
		button bt4 "No preview" width:128 height:128 enabled:false
		label lab3 ""
	group "More info..."
		button bt2 "More Info..." enabled:false
		button bt3 "Exit"
	on bt1 pressed do
    Sel_Bitmap = selectbitmap()
		if Sel_Bitmap != undefined then
	Info = getBitmapInfo Sel_Bitmap
	ffp = filenameFromPath
    renderWidth = Info[3]
	renderHeight = Info[4] 
	lab1.text = ("Width = " + Info[3] as string)
	lab2.text = ("Height = " + Info[4] as string)
	lab3.text = ffp (Sel_Bitmap as string)
	new_bitmap = bitmap 128 128
	cnb = copy Sel_Bitmap new_bitmap
	bt4.images =  #(new_bitmap,undefined,1,1,1,1,1 )
       close cnb
			bt2.enabled = true
			bt4.enabled = true
		else messagebox "Please, select a Image file..." beep:false title:""
	on bt2 pressed do
		try (destroydialog ::mi) catch()
		rollout mi "More Info image..."
			group ""
			label lab_07 "" 
			label lab_01 ""
			label lab_02 ""
			label lab_03 ""
			label lab_04 ""
			label lab_05 ""
			label lab_06 ""
			button clo "Exit"
			on clo pressed do destroydialog mi
			on mi open do
				lab_01.text = "Type File = " + (info[2] as string)
				lab_02.text = "Gamma = " + (Sel_Bitmap.gamma as string)
				lab_03.text = "Aspect Ratio = " + (Info[7] as string)
				lab_04.text = "Nh. Frame = " + (Sel_Bitmap.numframes as string)
				lab_05.text = (Info[5] as string) + "  Bits/Channel"
				lab_06.text = "Alpha channel = " + (Info[9] as string)
				lab_07.text = "Location = " + (Info[1] as string)
		createdialog mi 600 180 
	on bt3 pressed do destroydialog fmi
	on bt4 pressed do
       display Sel_Bitmap
createdialog fmi style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

As you can see, the button image bt4 is not created. If I try with bitmap is all Ok, but with image button nothing.

The bt4.images have needs of a bitmap in the array, so I thought I'd create a new bitmap

new_bitmap = bitmap 128 128

and copy the original selected

Sel_Bitmap = selectbitmap()

image on it for fit the measure ("copy" in Bitmap maxscript).
Then with

cnb = copy Sel_Bitmap new_bitmap

I have create a new bitmap to use in array for image button.

bt4.images =  #(new_bitmap,undefined,1,1,1,1,1 )

This same procedure with a bitmap instead of a button, works well. Why I can not see the bitmap in the button?

Any idea?

Thanks for any help


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Michele71's picture

Ok, I have found this my

Ok, I have found this my solution:

local temp_new_bitmap_filename = (getDir #preview +"/Temp.bmp")
	local new_bitmap = bitmap 128 128 filename:temp_new_bitmap_filename gamma:0.2
	cnb = copy Sel_Bitmap new_bitmap
		save new_bitmap
	bt4.images =  #(new_bitmap.filename,undefined,1,1,1,1,1 )

I've create a temp. bitmap and copy it in image button

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